Eurofurence Community > Special Interests

Workout at EF

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--- Quote from: Super Swede on 04.09.2008, 02:13:29 ---There was a gym? x3 Where was the gym? x3

--- End quote ---

Near the sauna.


--- Quote from: Super Swede on 04.09.2008, 02:13:29 ---There was a gym? x3 Where was the gym? x3

--- End quote ---

Opposite the sports bar, right next to the table tennis room.
Where the Plüti stuff was on Friday.

I did go to a gym just to see it was full of blushies  :D


--- Quote from: Wilikki_1 on 05.09.2008, 12:37:09 ---I did go to a gym just to see it was full of blushies  :D
--- End quote ---

What's a blushie?

Stuffed animals that turn red when you touch them!


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