Eurofurence Community > Artists Forum

newbie advice..

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--- Quote from: Tekumseh on 19.08.2008, 10:37:56 ---I can't speak for EF orga - but this is a typical job for a copy shop, isn't it?

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Yes, i would, but you have to be logged online on a password protected website to access those files, if i'm not mistaken.. and i don't know any copy shop that is a cybercafe at the same time!


--- Quote from: Cookie on 19.08.2008, 11:04:09 ---
Yes, i would, but you have to be logged online on a password protected website to access those files, if i'm not mistaken.. and i don't know any copy shop that is a cybercafe at the same time!

--- End quote ---

That calls for downloading "these files", storing them on some commonly used artifact of data-exchange (usb-key, disk, sd-card, ...) and walking to a copy-shop with this medium in your physical hand.

Edit: Woops, sorry, misunderstood the question.

I don't know what happened to my post yesterday, but seeing it didn't snap to thread I will repeat it.

With the number of artists increasing, we can no longer make any exceptions as we have done the past years. If all artists come unprepared, work and printouts mount up. We have allready experienced last year, it delays opening times and the work process and that is simply no longer acceptable. Hence we insist, artists come fully prepared.

However, there is a way round your problem. You simply enter all your pieces to the database and then print the bidsheets. You should then recieve a PDF from the server, containing all your bidsheets. You can easily send a friend of yours that PDF and ask them to print it for you, or take it round to a copy shop.


Ok i'll try to do that (me and technology are not really friends :) )


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