· For all the poeple who like pawpeteering and want to do something to make the furdance a little more furry ·
Last year I was at EF the first time in my life, and after the pawpetshow I looked forward to have some fun with a bunch of pawpeteers behind the stage during the furdance. On some convention-videos from AC or FC you can see about 10 pawpets doing some lipsync and dancing to create a nice background for the furdance, and I thought at EF there would be some pawpet fun as well. So I brought Yaro to the dance, he was jazzed to meet other pawpets and make some fuzz together with them. But we both were very disappointed to see the stage totally empty. Not even one pawpeteer! We didn't expect to see anyone from the EF-Pawpetshow-team because they were too exausted, but I still wonder why there was nobody else with his pawpet. Thanks to Lumi(and his owner Dolan), Yaro didn't have to dance by himself. We made a 2-man-show, and later we met Herbie(from the Funday Pawpet Show). So Yaro had the opportunity to stand on the famous EF-pawpetstage right beside Mutt, the famous bobtail from the FPS, that made him very proud. But that was all. Just 2(and for a short time 3) pawpets at a 6-meter-stage.
Hey Guys, there's more than enough space to fill with jumping and dancing fuzzy animals!
So everyone who is interested in pawpeteering is invited to join us this time at the BIG BLUE DANCE. I also will be at the fursuiters dance that will take place on friday(I think). Even if you did never do anything with your pawpet before, join us, bring your fuzzy fella, and I'll teach you the basic skills of bringing a plushie to life.
· Come in and have fun! ·