You have a camcorder and too much time? You like to do furry related videos? You want to show of your fursuit, animation or video editting skills?EF Prime, the Eurofurence TV channel, is broadcasting information on running and upcoming events during the entire con. In order to keep the amount of reruns low and the content interesting, we need your input to fill four days worth of programming! Here are the rules:
What we're looking for:
- Convention videos
- Stage performances from past conventions
- Clips with furry content
- Fursuit clips of any kind
- Pawpet Clips
- Animations (2D or 3D, Flash, claymation, you name it!)
Here are some rules:
- What we're looking for is videos that are truely furry related.
Please don't flood us with random clips that don't really deal with the fandom or its focusses. A bunny hopping across the camera doesn't make your vacation video furry.
- Please only send material that you've created yourself. If you know someone who has done video clips, feel free to suggest their names, or to point them at this posting.
- Only finished projects, please. I don't consider putting a camera on a tripod and filming the same corner of the Further Confusion Dancefloor for 60 minutes a finished project.
- The typical duration of a clip should be at least one minute, and should not exceed 30 minutes.This is just a guideline, not a strict rule. If you've made nice animated shorts that are less than a minute in duration, or an interesting convention video that's longer than 30 minutes, feel free to submit!
- Please keep the quality as good a possible. If you still have the original DV AVI broad-cast quality file of the YouTube clip that you've submitted, we'll be glad to take that one instead of the YouTube version.

By the way, the theme for Eurofurence 14 will be: "From Dusk Till Dawn - Horrorfurence 14". So if you want to create something along the lines of the theme, you've got nine months to finish it. Get started now!

If you have anything you want to submit, please send a mail to bigbluefox at gmail dot com, or reply with a comment. Please don't send files as attachment, post a link instead.