"Don't leave your car running when waiting for someone. You'll either get a ticket or passers-by will kick your car because you're polluting Germany."
LOL, this is so true.
And its amazing, during our usa trips i have seen it several times...........
Gosh I didn't know they really do that in Germany.
Because to be honest you don't have to go all the way to the US, they also do that over here.

But luckily I don't have that habit, but it never hurts to be warned.
Sure, it's full of subleties and lotsa overstatements, but fun to read and yes, in the baseline I can confirm it 
However, due to my limited driving knowledge of other countries I can't compare it.
Well compared to here in Holland, in my experience it's less chaotic.
Many traffic regulations which the Dutch think are optional (according to law it isn't, but they get away with it anyway) in Germany they are obligatory, and you'd better comply or get into serious trouble indeed.
I however must note that I did enjoy my travels through Germany.