I wonder of there is coming a list who are standing in the Dealers den?
I have mixed feelings about this. I
suppose most dealers would not mind being listed, but I am not going to publicize any information I have been trusted with on a whim without explicit consent of the dealers. Some of them may have reasons for not wanting to be announced before the convention starts.
Since it'd be quite impractical for me to get consent from everyone (some are even more of a black hole than I am when it gets to emails

), I'd like to suggest something else. Shortly after the
1st of August, when the deadline for applications has passed, I can authoritatively tell everyone whether they get their space or not. Then, every dealer interested in advertising his presence on EF can post in a dedicated thread on this board, with some information about the sold goods.
That would put me out of the aforementioned privacy predicament, and EF guests would have a central place to see if the dealers they're interested in will attend.
Sounds like a deal?