Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Honest Opinion of EF 16

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Onkel Kage:

--- Quote from: Henrieke on 14.09.2010, 13:37:54 ---Ohhh how could I forget, the roomkeys! Roomkeys AND badges! PERFECT!!! Why don't other cons use this system as well?? Next year I want toony art on the badges though! ;D

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I think they should!  Although it requires a rather substantial investment in equipment.  They need a badge printer (and depending on size and registration system, two or even three), badge stock with magnetic strips, and a hotel that uses the standard CR-80 card size and is willing to work with them.

I briefly thought about it for Anthrocon but then realized that I have four hotels that use different key-card sizes, which would really muck things up.


--- Quote from: Henrieke on 14.09.2010, 13:37:54 ---Ohhh how could I forget, the roomkeys! Roomkeys AND badges! PERFECT!!! Why don't other cons use this system as well??

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Thank you thank you thank you!:)

--- Quote from: Henrieke on 14.09.2010, 13:37:54 ---Next year I want toony art on the badges though! ;D

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Is that an offer that we can ask you for conbadgedesign some following EF? ;P


--- Quote from: Onkel Kage on 14.09.2010, 14:03:40 ---I briefly thought about it for Anthrocon but then realized that I have four hotels that use different key-card sizes, which would really muck things up.
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I can imagine that. The only US con I've been to is FC, and they use credit-card sized roomkeys, which also have customized art. I can imagine printing a few thousand roomkeys with the same picture on is is a lot cheaper than having a custom one for every attendee, but then again they do need to give everyone a badge with a custom sticker anyway, and they also offer free (credit card-sized) fursuit badges. I never even thought of combining them until EF!

--- Quote from: Loewi on 14.09.2010, 14:06:50 ---Is that an offer that we can ask you for conbadgedesign some following EF? ;P

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Oh heck yes! Anything you'd need me for, as long as I have SOME time on my hands I'd love to do it :)

I think moving Eurofurence to Magdeburg was the right decision. There were lots of things that would not have been possible otherwise. Just look at the space the fursuit-lounge, artshow and dealers den got.

I know of no other furry convention in the world that offered so many dryers for fursuits before:

Thanks to everyone who helped building it so quickly.

The daily Eurofurence newsletter was very well received:

Having those is also very helpfully if you want to explain what happens at a furry convention ... now I have to translate those for my mother. 

The pawpet-show moved me to tears:

I couldn't take many photos at Kage vs. 2 - I was laughing too hard:

It was fun to help at the fursuit-gameshow - sorry it took me so long to calculate the scores:

Fursuit theater was very nice:

I took a lot of fursuit-pictures:

A small selection of those is at

The events at the Piano Bar were great - especially the death dog party (that worked much better when last year).

The hotel staff was very nice and it someone heard the cleaning ladies complaining - they had every right to do so (some fursuiters should learn that leaving wet toilet-paper everywhere in the room after drying a fursuit is not a good idea).

As a fursuiter the biggest improvement was having one room-key per person. Also the rooms were bigger - I had three fursuits with me and did not occupy all the space.

I spend less money on food when at EF 15 - there were a lot of good (and not expensive) restaurants in walking distance. I did pay a lot for parking, but that was my own choice (I was just too lazy to drive my car to a cheaper garage).

I think everything worked very well considering it was the first time in this hotel. The Eurofurence staff did a marvelous job. I'm very grateful for all the work the put into this convention.


I brought four suits to EF, spent more time suiting than at any EF before.... NO PHOTOS!


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