Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Honest Opinion of EF 16

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While airflow in the dryer pipes is indeed a science in itself, we found out that the system is selfregulating.  ;D

Suiters will automatically and always pick the exhausts with the most output.
By hanging their suit over it, they create a big amount of resistance to that exhaust,
thus redirecting more air to the other, still free spaces.

Yay for redneck science.


--- Quote from: Raider on 07.09.2010, 23:41:26 ---The amout of people rummaging around the Big Blue Dance, taping the dancers to be the very first one to upload another video of people dancing on the con, seems to increase every year. This is annoying to me for two reasons:

1. This is (or at least used to be) a somewhat private event, meant for those people who sign up to actually visit the con. Sure, there are people taking pictures everywhere and I'm pretty sure I can be found in one of the countless image archives somewhere. Nevertheless - I do not wish to end up on YouTube, since I try to keep my private information (yes, this includes my face as well) of the internet as much as possible. It actually spoils a lot of the fun for me if I get the constant feeling to be watched by the whole world -- not for a moment, but forever.
2. Like in any club, if you have 30 people dancing and 60 people standing around and watching, it takes away a lot of the energy from the dancefloor. I think it's fine to stand at the side to have a drink, talk with your friends or just relax after getting all sweaty. Yet it is not OK to run around the dancefloor for an hour in circles, shoving your camera in everyones face. It's damn annoying, go away.

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I want to comment on that from both sides of view, because at this EF I was both - a passionate dancer and a camera nerd.

I really understand what you mean, I don't like to be photographed/filmed while dancing as well, because I know how ridicilous my movements are looking. On the other hand, I know that if I am dancing within a crowd of people, there is no way to keep me out while the whole crowd is getting filmed. Therefore I don't care much about people walking around the dancefloor, but what really pisses me of are those guys walking ON the dancefloor, holding their cameras directly into the dancer's faces and occupying space.

For me the dances at every EF are absolute highlights, I always try to enjoy the atmosphere, the energy, the harmony. This year I used my new equipment (DSLR on a "Schwebi" poor man's steadycam) to capture as much of this amazing party atmosphere as possible. Probably I exaggerated it a bit in all this excitement, but my intention was to get alot of material to choose from for the video I want to edit. I apologize for annoying some people, next time I will be more sensitive.
In the end, there is nothing to worry about, because I was focusing on fursuiters anyways and will try to keep out non-fursuiters as far as possible in the final edit. I am not sure about the way of distribution yet, but if I upload my video to youtube, I will configure the options for the video to not being displayed in the search results, therefore only people who know the direct link will be able to watch it. 

Back on topic, some feedback from me about EF16...

Everything that has to be said about the hotel has been said already, so I have nothing to add here.

My overall experience was very positive, there were only some little things to complain about, but nothing worth to be written down here.
Highlights for me were the "Streifen"-Premiere, the dances, Kage vs 2, the fursuit parade and of course the Pawpet Show.

The Pawpet Show had everything in it, that a good Pawpet Show needs. Again, there were funny and dramatic moments and I liked both of them. Highlights of this show were of course the sequence with those little yellow-helmet-critters blowing that snake out of their den and the amazing cave sequence with awesome lighting and rope stunts.

Next year I will be prepared better for the new location and the hotel staff will be prepared better for us, so I am looking forward to EF17 very optimistically.

Again, many thanx to the orga team, that did an incredible job 8)

Little Wolf:
Ok, I have thought long and hard about what I want to put here, but I am sure it will still come across as a ramble. I will do my best to keep this as polite and civil as I can, but I must confess I am not a happy bunny (er...wolf).
May I ask how many people who have posted complaints here have run or helped to run a convention? Having helped with comic/anime cons in the past, I can tell you that it is not a breeze. It is a mostly thankless job, but you do it because you love your hobby and want to make something amazing.

I was unable to attend Eurofurence this year, and I was so very gutted. I saw those pictures and video clips of that hotel and I was amazed! It must have taken the staff ages to find a hotel that would tick all the boxes and all some of you can do is complain. (Please note, I said "Some2 not "All").
Some of the things people are complaining about are, lets be honest here, petty. A lot of the stuff is actually nothing to do with the con staff and is more an issue with the hotel itself, but if you assert a little common sense I am sure you'll survive. Here are a few things I noticed coming up a lot:

Hotel Staff being rude.

When I attended my first fur meet, I was rather taken aback by the giant cartoon animals running around. Now, imagine that this is the first time you have ever even heard of Furry Fandom, and these strange people are running around your place of work. Cut them a little slack. I am sure by next year they will be more prepared. I can't imagine the staff at the Ringberg were accepting you with open arms the first year.


Would it kill you to use the stairs? Really? I was under the impression that fursuiters and those who have difficulty or cannot use the stairs had priority over the lifts? It really seems a silly thing to complain about.

Hotel prices.

As somebody pointed out (Sorry, I cannot remember your username) there was a Youth Hostel down the road from the hotel. If the rooms prices are not to your liking, no one is stopping you from staying at the Youth Hostel. As for prices of food and drink, well it is a four star hotel and in the middle of the city, so I was expecting those kind of prices. Go into any nice restaurant/hotel in London or Manchester and you'd expect to pay the same. I would perhaps understand the predicament if there was no where else to eat nearby, but from what i have been told the hotel was pretty much surrounded by supermarkets and cafes/resaurants. So where is the problem?

Lack of BBQ

I understand that this is a shame, but at least an effort was made to have something. They could quite easily have not bothered at all. And again, if you didn't like the food, there were plenty of other places to go.

Pool/Sauna too small.

Oh you poor baby... how tragic for you that the pool was too small. Come on, buck up for god's sake. You have access to a fecking pool and sauna! Yes the Ringberg's may have been bigger, but at least there was even one there to use at all.

The complaint that came up the most though, was that it's not the Ringberg. Of course it's not. I loved the Ringberg, it was a wonderful, beautiful hotel with wonderful surroundings. But it just got too small for us. If they had stayed at the Ringberg, loads of people would have missed out.
From the photos and videos I have seen, and what my friends who went to this year's EF have said, the Maritim looks like a stunner! Really, they couldn't have picked a better hotel, and I challenge you nay-sayers to try and find a hotel that covers all our needs and still stay within a reasonable budget. And to the person who said it looked like a prison...

Really? Don't be so silly.

Like I said, I didn't manage to make it this year. But I will not be letting the negative feedback written in this thread put me off. Now, I understand that I will have probably made a few enemies by what I have said here, but I really do not think that it is fair for Cheetah and his staff to have read all that. It is demoralising and if I were them I'd feel rather shit right now.

So, for the staff of Eurofurence. THANK YOU!

Thank you for year after year working your butts off to put together a fantastic convention for us. We all appreciate it, even though some of us do not show it. Your hard work and dedication shines through and I am so very much looking forward to next year.

Dhary Montecore:
Thank YOU, little wolf, for your kind words. I guess I speak for the whole staff when I say, that it's a really good feeling to see that our work is appreciated.

Little Wolf:
I just wanted you guys to know you're appreciated.

*Does the Waiting For EF 17 Dance*


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