Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Honest Opinion of EF 16

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--- Quote from: Onkel Kage on 09.09.2010, 18:53:33 ---2)  Figure out where the stairs are.  Yes, there was one set of stairs that could be accessed by key card at all levels (except, mysteriously, the 4th, which I think was an error on the hotel's part).  There were also stairs that went between the ground and "C" level, which brings me to another point:
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as some has said
me and some friends did at some points realy try to use them when it was clearly vissible that the elevators would take way to long.
but for some reason we failed to open any door at all that wasn't on the compleatly wrong floor. a few was on lvl 2, i was on lvl 3, and some on lvl 4. we got out on lvl 5-6 tho, that would've needed the elevators anyway. and that at least was for the 2 staircases that we just found by accident.
probably the sollution to it would be to:
1. print out and put up some clearly marked out signs on were the stairs are, and what floor you're on (plz).
2. is to leave the doors open if possible. or ask the hotel (kindly) to do a maintinence-service of the locks a little bit before the con arrives?

allso, someone said earlier bout having to have their room-keys remade several times. and another said something bout "if you swipe them in the wrong door"? that might comply to the swipes in the staircases as well?
should be checked out.

Onkel Kage:

--- Quote from: Xenofur on 09.09.2010, 22:17:33 ---I was surprised they let the russian guy go on for so long in the first place and I'd like to say: Your presence was probably a big help to the staff up in front, precisely because you have a low bullshit threshold. Your action was the highlight there which showed what the overall opinion was, in contrast to the relatively few complaints of a few individuals.

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Actually, I really ought to apologize to the staff for butting in.  It really wasn't my place.  I blame the wine.


--- Quote from: Onkel Kage on 10.09.2010, 02:36:35 ---Actually, I really ought to apologize to the staff for butting in.  It really wasn't my place.  I blame the wine.

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You can say all the things I sometimes can't say. Feel free to "butt in" with your opinion as much as you like :) And if you need something to blame, I'll get you as much wine as you need :)


--- Quote from: Onkel Kage on 09.09.2010, 18:53:33 ---
3)  Do not get into an elevator to travel fewer than three floors away unless you are (a) elderly, (b) incapacitated, (c) burdened with heavy objects, or (d) American.

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Actually I got into a crowded elevator to travel 2 floors and heard grumbling about it. I'd like to point out, I have a (short-term I hope) severe back problem, which causes me a whole lot of pain while walking even a short distance, carrying etc. You generally cannot tell this just by looking at me, I am not technically incapacitated. So please, don't judge people on appearances and what you think they should be able to do.

The board of directors have overall say on pretty much everything. Their decision is not made based on who is in the clique (not click, it's from French) but based on the reasons behind it. The reasons were stated by Fairlight elsewhere in this thread and in other threads, and the decision made was made with lots of conditions such as the constant supervision of her. The fact the board knows Fairlight certainly helps, because they know that he is a dependable person who can be 100% trusted to take care of her and make sure she only sees what she should see. That's not being cliquey - that's evaluation of a person's abilities and responsibilities.

Nobody is doing this to demoralise anyone. You offered an opinion, you were told it was a board decision and it should be dropped, and you then accuse the board of bias and being cliquey. I'm sorry, but your comment was the first to turn it from genuine feedback into an attack.

In order to try and steer this back on track, here is some of my feedback.

* Hotel prices were ok, with the exception of the coke. People have mentioned it and laboured the point, but in essence, I would like to think that most people would prefer to pay the hotel for drinks than bring in their own, because they want the hotel to be pleased with the convention so that we can return. This would hold even if the hotel prices are more expensive. But if they are majorly more expensive, people won't pay for it. So no, I don't expect the hotel to charge supermarket prices. But I do expect a better balance between hotel markup and taking-the-mick prices.
* Hotel itself - I liked it. There were more nooks and crannies for people to hide in, which made socialising a little difficult if you were trying to track someone down. There are a number of people that have said to me post-EF that they never saw me once. But I do like the nearness of the SIG rooms to the foyer, as there was a decent amount of traffic flow as opposed to the Ringberg where it was all on a separate floor.
* Art show - all I want to say has been said elsewhere, so I won't mention it.
* Den - very crowded. Could the Fursuit Lounge be divided so that half of it is art show and half the fursuiters lounge, with suitable separated path so suiters don't have to walk through the art show to get past? Then the Den could move to where the art show was.
* Hotel rooms - nice and spacious. Not much to report other than spot on! Had some issues with the water flow in the shower causing it to be scalding one moment, freezing the next, but it was bearable. If I get that next year, I'll report it to the hotel so that something can be done about it. Own swipecards - a godsend! And the fact it was integrated with the EF badge was great too. If I wore a hat, I'd take it off to whoever came up with that idea.

All in all, I had a great time and am looking forward to next year's EF!


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