Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Honest Opinion of EF 16

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Since this is "honest feedback" and since there's been so much been posted in the way of criticism already, I'd just like to say: EF16 rocked, and all the staff members have every right to be damn proud of themselves, because they did a terrific job - for free, in their own spare time, for no other reason than that they love doing what they do. That's my honest feedback.

Here's to you! Thanks for another wonderful con.

Moderator's note: I split off the bickering about children of staff members being present. Any further comments on that topic (or the related forum moderation) will be deleted.

I REALLY enjoyed this years EF, and want to thank the Orga for their hard work.
Why is that? Considering I went to it with various bad feelings, I was pretty surprised myself.
I got various personal stuff to take care lately, and at first I was like "oh, just perfect, an Anthromorphous Animal Convention without any nature around ..", considering nature and atmosphere being a very important part of the whole "Inner Animal"-idea. (Or furry character, if you prefer that one)
I really hated the last EF which was staged in a youth hostel in the middle of a city, and already feared for the worst. (Dont actually remember which it was ... ah, doesnt matter)
Yet, the convention was incredibly relaxing and inspiring for me.
Just because ... its not all as bad as we make it to be. ;)

Lets give some positive Feedback, considering all the bad stuff I can think of has already been said.
- The food and drinks was actually affordable. Not in the hotel but around. The Palazzo right next door had really great food for reasonable prices. Yummy, Milkshakes. ^^   Also there was a supermarket right around the corner, and the cocktail bar "One" which was really worthwhile to be at as well. Ok, people will split up a lot more, with the prices at the hotel as they were. But seriously? I hated the prices and selection at good old ringberg, if it was getting late and I wanted to get something to eat without having to drive down into the city. This time we got alternatives! Also I do think that there were enough people to meet and socialize with, considering we got this huge size, and there were furries walking around literaly everywhere.
- The times I had to wait for the elevators were actually quite rare and short. Of course there was a bit of waiting time involved.. but cmon, if you are in a hurry, take the stairway. I myself found it pretty interesting to see/meet other people in the elevator and being able to talk to them or think about them. Oh, that and one of my most inspiring moments actually took place in an elevator. ^^
- The form of the hotel ... I enjoyed it a lot and found it to be incredibly fitting. Nothing was as mentionable as to look down from a distance at the community we are part of and letting the thoughts flow.
- The dancefloor did seem a lot more "open" and inviting. I think the Maritim-Stage is a lot more suited for it than Ringberg ever was. But well, maybe thats just me.

As negative sidenotes ... hrm... actually I can only think of the camera-discussion. I too believe that it takes away a lot of comfort to be filmed all the time. But well, I have no intention to bring up yet another discussion about it. ^^


--- Quote from: krakendwaggin on 09.09.2010, 21:07:10 ---Also Elevator Etiquette was absent, I don't care how long anyone has stood at the elevators for, if a 'suiter is waiting, let them in first, no matter what.
--- End quote ---

I don't think it was as bad as it could have been. I've been to conventions where it's been MUCH worse. The situation only got bad when one or more elevators broke, which obviously the staff can't do anything about. My biggest issue with Elevator Etiquette was when I had to move all my stuff to the car at the end of the con; people could see I was in the elevator with lots of stuff trying to get out, but instead of waiting decided to pile in anyway so now I couldn't get out.

Basicly, if you're annoyed the elevator is taking so long, don't take it out on those already on.

As for the stairs, was great to have the option, but yeah, it could be tricky to find them on some floors. How about some simple signs near them so you can tell which door to take?


--- Quote from: Tungro on 10.09.2010, 12:26:01 ---* Den - very crowded. Could the Fursuit Lounge be divided so that half of it is art show and half the fursuiters lounge, with suitable separated path so suiters don't have to walk through the art show to get past? Then the Den could move to where the art show was.

--- End quote ---

Nice suggestion, but both, artshow and dealers den, have to be locked down during the nights. Or we need more security to keep an eye on the stuff all around the clock.
Fursuit Lounge needs to be open all the time.

But the Den-Team already has a solution for next year: We will split up Dealers Den and Artist Alley again and put them in two rooms next to each other. So the fursuiters can stay in that large room and the dens have more space and lockable doors. :)


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