And here I have to go and type all my text again, thank you firefox...
Anyway, I thought I'd post this while the impressions are still fresh in my sleep deprived mind and while I'm waiting for my connection to Vorarlberg.
Arrival was an absolute nightmare. Yes, I was one of the unlucky Austrian train travelling fellows who had a delay of seven fucking hours without any working toilets and such.
Then the hotel decided to give me a room on the sixth floor - and I'm terribly afraid of heights. When I asked what I should do, they simply shrugged and raised their hands in a "I don't know, it's not our problem" way. Thank you for completely ignoring my registration data.
In general the hotel staff was very reserved and sometimes I even thought that they were unfriendly. Especially when it came to my little problem with height...
My schedule at the con itself was very much like my first con (EF11) - I've met a bunch of very interesting people and talked a lot while visiting not so many panels. The pawpet show was rather bland, lacking the over the top humour that I've grown to love it for but it was still a nicely done show. Could have used a little faster pacing though.
This was also the first time that I was at the dance for waaaaay to long. Whooo! Great times. Now my arms and feet hurt.
Now before my browser crashes on me again, I just want to say thank you to all the people at the con. You were
Greetings from Vienna,
nifelan - the urban, DJ, staff twirling husky