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Streifen premiere aftermath

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For subtitling, i recommend "subtitle workshop".

Cheetah: Yep :) I used Subtitle Workshop 2.51 (prolly the latest version). I had to learn how to use it though, and after a few trials and errors managed to succeed. 8 hours of work total, 636 subtitle entries, many of them with two lines. Now only the few corrections of the parts Ive not been able to understand clearly (about 10-12 moments), and Kyo can put them up for download with the movie.

Yay, coolness! Yet I got no clue how to do that with DVD_authoring but... it will be fine. Thanks a lot!!

@cheetah: How about adresses of festivals? I am pretty sure you got some kind of a list.

Regarding the blenderissue. I just added fur to a rather early version of the "Athena" character. Here you go:

Kind regards!

PS: Yes she is supposed to "glow". Im not sure about the amount yet, but this is ( at least to a certain degree) a marine creature.


--- Quote from: kyo on 14.09.2010, 19:19:29 ---@cheetah: How about adresses of festivals? I am pretty sure you got some kind of a list.

--- End quote ---

How about


Thanks a lot for the movie. It was one of the few rare moments of my con when I didn't run around doing staff things, but could sit down and just enjoy it. It was a picturesque and mood-filled orgy of colours, abstract shapes and living emotionality in a para-animalistic universe characterised by the internal logic and empathic attraction found only in the mythical context of gods. The lack of MTV-like event constipation so often used today to cover up bad acting and poor storylines made it a naked and honest tale in and of suspense portraying the basic dilemmas such as "the one who is closest to me is my most important support yet also the one who can hurt me the most". In the famous words of Janis Joplin - freedom's just another word for nothing left to loose.

You seem to have a veritable cornucopia of people offering voice acting here, I'd like to add myself to that choir - if you need someone to do some more voice acting then feel free to send me a message on here (female native English speaker). And please DO send this outside the fandom, I think a greater future might await this movie if it receives a little more TLC.

Thanks for the very enjoyable experience and good luck with it!  :)


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