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Eurofurence 29 — "Space Expedition"
Sep 3 — 6, 2025
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Author Topic: Streifen premiere aftermath  (Read 59351 times)


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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #30 on: 15.09.2010, 22:03:42 »

Well, that's one of the my most appreciated comments so far (I admit there is a huge bandwith: One went as far as trying to convince me to stop making movies because they suck anyway, and that I shall try comic instead). It's even more apreciated since I can remember that you could not see the movie until it's very end.

ATM im learning blender like a machine (
Furthermore I started a "panzer o1" dedicated wiki with Justacat and hope it will soon go online.
That will be the place of choice to arrange all kind of promotion/cooperation/and much more.

Regarding Streifen and the festivals... I gave that URL to some kind of managment to figure out wich festivals are the most suiting to the project. And as soon as Taibu finshed the audio-remix, I will contact ....muhahhaha... cheetah for the DVD-authoring.

I admit, cheetah does not know about this plan... but well. Now he does. Hi cheetah, are you any good in DVD-authoring? I guess so.

Kind regards



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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #31 on: 16.09.2010, 02:38:23 »

...I think Cheetah needs a little break right now ;-) But later perhaps :-)
And so I say the things I say
And do the things I do
And if you do not like it, then
To hell, my dear, with you


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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #32 on: 19.09.2010, 15:40:55 »

hey kyo,

as i already mentioned right after the premiere i saw two mayor flaws in the movie. for once it was really hard to follow, at least for folks like me, spoiled by hollywood cinema. but i feel watching a film shouldn't be an effort, if that keeps you from focusing on the story. the second one was the level and quality of dialogue writing and acting. yet your project was easily impressive enough for me wanting to get involved.
now i have no experience with making movies or telling stories, so i can't really help with designing the plot/cinematography more understandable, but i think i could help out with dialogue feedback. i'm not really good at creating anything, but i'm good at telling people how they suck (as i'm sure you have experienced). so the way i see myself to be put to a good use would be something like quality control of the script/dialogue, maybe also the voice enactment thereof. should you happen to be in need of another voice i can also lend mine (male german native, 21 years, with a few takes accent-free [i hope]).
i don't want to promise too much since i don't know how much time uni will rip off of me in the next year, but i honestly am interested in taking part in the process of creation.

i'm glad you continue with your project, it was amazing for a one-person venture, but i'm sure it will profit largely from a bigger team. also your model screen caps so far look promising ;)

so if you're interested drop me a note or something!


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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #33 on: 19.09.2010, 19:59:59 »

 Well, regarding the circumstances as a whole, the sole fact that "Streifen" got finished and released -after all- could be counted as a miracle on it's own.
Honestly I was pretty stunned that, in general, the movie seemed to work "good enough" to keep the audience entertained. A few of them got the more subtle hints...  and others didn't =)
Storytellingwise i think "panzer o1" will be a complete different thing. During the "Streifen" process I learned a LOT about that. And thus "Streifen" is, in a way, a conglomerate of "Zero knowledge of movie making up to a decent degree". As for acting, visuals etc, I think there is hardly anyone who  knows about "Streifens" weaknesses. But a piece of work needs to be finished. It needs to go ahead so that something new can be started.
The "Streifen"-project with all its weaknesses certainly walked as far as it could in terms of completion. "Streifen" is the best "Streifen" I could possibly do. And any other attempt would have led me into a complete new project.

I have to admit "Streifen" has become something I never wanted it to become: A proof of concept, the physical proof that I got the power, the will and the spirit to start, produce AND finish a movie no matter what.
-Obviously it is much easier now to get people  interested into the next project "panzer o1". Finally there is faith. "panzer o1" will be driven by the power, ability  and inspiration. Very unlike "Streifen" that has been driven by the sheer will and the talent to workaround giant obstacles. I want to add a footnote: I hardly ever regretted something in my live. But I really -do- regret to have chosen the software I used for "Streifen". Blender can do things that are *lightyears* beyond anything xyz ever could (and I refer to the 2007 version of blender). I really really regret that. I am still knocking my head on my desk. Everyday.

Regarding your offer:
Early tests of storytelling and writing will be done within a very small group of poeple. This group consists from people with some background and who can be totally trusted. Yet you say yourself that you don't have any background or experience so far in writing or storytelling. So, that's not going to be your group.
Anyway,  I will gladly take your offer as soon as there are early versions of "panzer o1" for screening. I need "clean" people for that. People with a "normal" viewpoint. That is a very important stage in production.
As far as voice acting, I will gladly put you on my list- However, some testrecordings of yours would be very useful indeed =)

Kind regards,


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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #34 on: 20.09.2010, 00:31:08 »

...for once it was really hard to follow, at least for folks like me, spoiled by hollywood cinema. but i feel watching a film shouldn't be an effort, if that keeps you from focusing on the story...

Well, I consider myself spoiled by hollywood cinema as well, but the main plot of the Streifen (Imorgon, Hope, Idag, and Igar) was pretty easy to follow, at least for me.

There was only one part of the story that I didnt really get:

The one scene where Cmd. Tomorrow is experiencing a vision (or memory) of an infant version of himself in nursery, with a female voice explaining something ("I got what's left of this-one, and six other days").

EDIT: Most of the spoiler removed.
« Last Edit: 20.09.2010, 18:58:55 by Lokosicek »
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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #35 on: 20.09.2010, 17:27:43 »

Spoileralert hah? =)

"six days and whats left of this one" = seven days.

God took seven days to create the world

So, this is just the beginning.


happy blendering


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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #36 on: 22.09.2010, 00:25:16 »


happy blendering
I like the character design, but the fur doesn't convince me yet, probably it needs some self-shadowing to achieve more depth. Currently it looks like painted over the character in a 2D paint software.
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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #37 on: 23.09.2010, 17:19:27 »

Well... actually it does have that "drawn" look on purpose. It took me quite a while to set it up like that. Im fed up with that fainted colors of xyz-fur. I want a more cartoonish look now. A more "extreme" look.

Have a look here now (eyelashes are still missing).

And: The wiki is up (ugly yet but it's been worked on)

Everyone, I repeat, everyone who want's to do some 3D-ish stuff for "panzer o1" is invited.

Kind regards



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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #38 on: 23.09.2010, 20:58:00 »

While Id really love to help out with Panzer o1, I have no skills in 3d animation. So let me help out in a different way.

May I create several Wikifur (the furry wikipedia) articles about Streifen? You know, one main article about the movie itself, then several articles about the characters, and other things featured in the Streifen.

But for this all I would need your permission for use of several screenshots from the movie itself, and of the art youve drawn (poster, Imorgon family creed, etc.).
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Onkel Kage

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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #39 on: 23.09.2010, 23:21:14 »

If people ask for DVDs ... sell them DVDs.

I want DVD's of the Pawpet Shows from the last three years!


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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #40 on: 24.09.2010, 15:38:20 »

I admit, cheetah does not know about this plan... but well. Now he does. Hi cheetah, are you any good in DVD-authoring? I guess so.

Count me in :) I can also do all the PAL/NTSC-Conversions, subtitle embedding, multi-angle, animated menus, and all that jazz ... if you just supply me with the source materials.



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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #41 on: 24.09.2010, 17:55:54 »

@ cheetah: [X] check.
Taibu promised to equip me with the remixed audiotracks by the end of that month. Then I need to change small details in the edit (things I recognized during the feedbacksession) and re-time the Subtitles-file. I suppose you should have a lossless-version of "Streifen"...huhm.. would mid-oktober be okay?

kind regards


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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #42 on: 24.09.2010, 18:45:56 »

I suppose you should have a lossless-version of "Streifen"

Yep, that would be good.

...huhm.. would mid-oktober be okay?

What's the deadline?



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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #43 on: 24.09.2010, 18:51:37 »

Well, I do have plans to attend the blenderconference end oktober. And I would like to take the DVD with me.

And don't worry about menus and stuff. Actually I like plain designed DVDs =)

However, I would like to record an "editors comment" audiotrack with you. And I could also equip you with tons of featured artwork (on paper). How about that? =)

Kind regards,
« Last Edit: 24.09.2010, 18:56:42 by kyo »


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Re: Streifen premiere aftermath
« Reply #44 on: 25.09.2010, 00:04:24 »

Well... actually it does have that "drawn" look on purpose. It took me quite a while to set it up like that. Im fed up with that fainted colors of xyz-fur. I want a more cartoonish look now. A more "extreme" look.

Have a look here now (eyelashes are still missing).
Nice looking so far. Again, you seem to make heavy use of procedural textures.
And: The wiki is up (ugly yet but it's been worked on)

Everyone, I repeat, everyone who want's to do some 3D-ish stuff for "panzer o1" is invited.
I have an earth scene setup in Softimage XSI. The planets are only primitive spheres anyways, the textures are the important part and the atmosphere can be tricky sometimes. I can send you my earth textures and try to explain, how I did the atmosphere. Currently I am too busy to learn Blender and rebuild the setup there.
Of course I could model the Taj Mahal, but again, because of lack of free time you have to be patient about me delivering this in the near future.

I would recommend to install a developer's message board (or a mailing list) for the Panzer o1 team, this thread will not be sufficient for that :)
Furry conventions are like light bubbles in a dark ocean.
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