Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Eurofurence 16 newspaper

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I liked the Daily EF too. Nice review of the past day.

Maybe you can put it online the same time you print it.
Some sort of live EF information website would be a good place to put it on.

ps. If there will be a way to post own reviews to the DailyEF team next EF, maybe other attendees would participate too :)


--- Quote from: SibSerag on 07.09.2010, 11:22:20 ---ps. If there will be a way to post own reviews to the DailyEF team next EF, maybe other attendees would participate too :)

--- End quote ---
There may be. Just contact me ahead of time. What's important to us is that articles and reviews are written by furs not involved in the event they write about. (No pawpeteers writing about the pawpet show, etc.) The same rule applies if your partner/best friends are involved in the event.

Woohoo. Done!

The latest issues from Eurofurence 16 are online now.

Go, get 'em as long as they smell of ink!


--- Quote from: Riffuchs on 10.09.2010, 05:18:28 ---Woohoo. Done!

The latest issues from Eurofurence 16 are online now.

Go, get 'em as long as they smell of ink!

--- End quote ---

Mrrrau! Cool. Thanks a lot!

Oh yeah - great thing, thanx  :D


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