Germany's regulations for short range devices (SRD), which include LPD, allow a maximum transmission power of
10mW over frequencies ranging from
433,050 to 434,790 MHz. Usage of such devices is "not recommended" anymore, but certainly still allowed without registration. (source:
I'm not sure if you're going to be happy with their range, though. Beyond the open lobby, we occassionally had trouble contacting people wandering the floors even with high-end PMR devices. We don't mind our guests using their own PMR or LPD devices, as long as they stay off of our staff channels. Free PMR channels for public usage are always given in the conbook, while LPD did not need con-wide regulation yet due to a lack of demand.
Please note that increasing the maximum transmission power beyond the allowed 10mW is a serious offence in Germany.
Hope to help,