Eurofurence Information > old Announcements

Early bird rate ends


This is a friendly reminder that the discounted 80€ early bird rate ends on January 31st!

Starting February 1st, the regular convention fee of 90€ will be in effect. It will apply to all registrations received after January 31st and to all registrations for which the convention fee is overdue by January 1st, or becomes overdue after that.

That means you have less than one week left to register or pay your remaining dues if you want to take advantage of the early bird rebate. Book early - mind the due dates - save money!

(Edit: Payments delayed by the unavailability of CC transactions are not affected by this, of course. That's implicit because they get their deadlines extended accordingly, and thus their payables never become overdue, but as it seems things like that can't be taken for granted any more these days, so rest assured we're not going to rip you off.)


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