First of all I want to excuse for my passive behaviour during the last EF, where I did not give the gamecorner the attention I should have given it, considering Im the SIGs organisator.
I had some serious personal issues I had to handle at that time, and just wasnt able to focus on the task at hand. I know that its no excuse, but be aware, that I have solved those problems and am now ready to give the gamecorner its upgrade to 2.0 consequentially after my own upgrade to that level.
Considering the popularity during the last years, I would like to organize the gamecorner once more.
However, to manage the organisation of that event and to improve it I need your help!
Feedback about previous installments of the SIG, its Pros and Cons and your opinion about how to improve it are highly appreciated.
To start off, I want to give some topics I already got a few ideas for and wish to give focus to for the next EF:
GamemastersFrom my experience, we got quite a lot of people who check out the gamecorner but leave quite fast, because it tends to be pretty hard to find a group or any other means of connection to the furries present at the gamecorner. Volunteers for the job of a gamemaster, which would be present during at least one evening of the gamecorner anyways, would be welcome, so the overall organisation can be improved.
The jobs of a gamemaster would include:
- Keep an eye on the games -> We cannot guarantee for the games provided to us, but we can at least keep an eye on them, so they wont be taken outside of the room, and get forgotten somewhere, where its owner sadly will not find it again. Considering how much we should appreciate the act of lending those games, we should make it our utmost responsibility to keep an overview on what happens to them.
- Lead games -> Collect Furs present. Start some game. Explain it to them. Dont stick with the same small group all evening and be ready to let others join into your games. Socialize!
- Keep a general overview -> Id like to organize the gamecorner in timeslots where we always got one gamemaster avaiable keeping the general overview of the SIG. I just wont be able to be there for the whole EF like I did in the first few years, yet there should always be someone avaiable keeping the responsibility, even if it would consists on calling me if something (negatively) extraordinary happens.
- Tweet! -> We were thinking about adding a system of messages on twitter keeping people up-to-date on whats currently played or if there are games needing more players. The gamemasters might keep those tweets up to date.
Volunteers should contact me via PM.
Im also currently thinking about some way to identify gamemasters at the event, so people know whom to ask. Ideas are welcome.
GamesAllthough I have to repeat how we cannot take any responsibility for the games lend to the gamecorner, we would be happy if we got a good collection of games to choose from. If you wish to lend games it would be nice if you could leave a message in this thread stating what you will bring, so I might create a list of avaiable games for further convenience.
RoomsHow was your experience with the overall room we had for this event? Did we have enough? Did you have to leave the room, because it was way too overcrowded? Just give me your input.
MusicId like to keep some music playing on the gamecorner for further atmosphere. However I tend to believe that it is hard to find music which will not disrupt the games by being too intrusive. Not to mention different tastes. At the moment, Im thinking about creating a collection of atmospherical tracks from OCRemix for this EF. Any opinion on this one?
DecorationSince the room was pretty cold so far Id like to add some nice furry or game related decoration. (Or even better: game AND furry related decoration :3 )
Anyone who got some nice stuff or ideas we could use is welcome.
TournamentsMaybe we could start tournaments in certain games if the need for them is high enough. If youd like to see a tournament in a certain game during the EF just tell me. I might add a vote to this thread.