Eurofurence Information > Questions & Answers

Two persons for one table to convention

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You are mixing up things.

Convention ticket and stage ticket = entrance to the con!
You need that to take part of the con, its mandatory.

additionally to that, you have the possibility to get a dealers table in the dealers den.
Thats only if you like, the registration to this is hold seperately and has nothing to do with the registration to the con itself - despite the fact that you have to get entrance to the con to get a dealers table.

So, 90 euro just an entrance to the con, and each one of us need to pay it for entrance to the EF place?

And where I can get a dealers table and to register to the art-show?  I can't found it by myself :(

Dhary Montecore:
Here you'll find everything you want to know about the artshow:  Artshow-FAQ

And here you'll find what you need to get a table in the dealersden: Dealers-Den Info-page

And yes, each of you needs to pay the 90 euro to take part in the convention if you do not sleep in the hotel but for example in a hostel nearby. If you want a room in the hotel you will need to pay the additional fees for a room. It is not allowed to sleep in someones hotel room when you pay only the 90 euro confee.

Yes, I will have a room in a hostel. Thanks you for answers !! It's really helpfull.


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