Eurofurence Information > Programming

Why not hire furry musicians?

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I'm just posting this in hopes of getting the ball rolling and some ideas stiring. Now from what I have come to understand music licensing is a big issue at EF. I propose we extend a collective middle finger to the music mafia and hire musicians from the fandom. I happen to know a few talented people, and I'm sure others do to. I know there is a lot of good musicians over at furrymusic, FA and other places. And I must say there are quote a lot of talented pepple out there. This would be a golden oportunity to shed some light on the musical side of the fandom. I'd be happy to pay a little extra, to attend a furry musical event, and I'm sure lots of other people would too.

You'll be delighted to hear that this is what we're actually trying to do for EF18 :) Keep your fingers crossed that everything will work out.

sounds amazing... hope it will works=^,^=

I can safely recommend a UK based furry band called The Donutsh. I happen to know that at least one of the band will be attending EF already.

why don't organize a jamm session with the furs who are on the erofurence?


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