Eurofurence Information > Programming

DDR / Video games room ?

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You don't have to offer it 'til sunrise. We can schedule 2-3 hours each evening. If it's well attended we can keep it running or lock the room earlier in case of less interest then thought.


--- Quote from: Hrs on 11.07.2011, 21:46:49 ---@Saber

Could you bring another pad too ?
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I would bring my metal pad for it. Leaving the room shortly empty to set up a fursuit on to play together with some other suiters was no problem last year too. And the employee of the hotel was really quick if we needed the room opened or closed. I do not see there any problem.

--- Quote from: Riffuchs on 12.07.2011, 09:30:28 ---You don't have to offer it 'til sunrise. We can schedule 2-3 hours each evening. If it's well attended we can keep it running or lock the room earlier in case of less interest then thought.

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I think we can do it then in the way I said. Set the second and third regular day from 21 o’clock until 24 o’clock with open end if enough people come. And if not then we just close the doors. If you need more information or an official registration of the event just send me an email.

Heh, you got e-mail. But choosing Thursday and Friday was a good idea since Saturday the Big Blue Dance takes place and most attendees will either be at the dance or at the bar, enjoying the last official day of EF. It's nice to know that we can offer this event again. Thanks for the effort! :)


--- Quote from: Riffuchs on 13.07.2011, 08:49:24 ---Heh, you got e-mail. But choosing Thursday and Friday was a good idea since Saturday the Big Blue Dance takes place and most attendees will either be at the dance or at the bar, enjoying the last official day of EF. It's nice to know that we can offer this event again. Thanks for the effort! :)

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Right, Opening the event on saturday is useless. There was almost nobody during the event at EF15 and EF16 because of the Dance.


So you can expect me to help for the event setup ! As I said in the first post, I can provide some sound and displaying equipment if needed.

As long there is no major event count me in for entertaining you guys on the pads in fursuit  ;D
And no not at level 1 but make it 7 or 8 depending on who made the darned tracks  ::)


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