Eurofurence Information > Programming

DDR / Video games room ?

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Yes, but that was from last year.  m(


--- Quote from: Barney on 17.06.2011, 12:55:45 ---Yes, but that was from last year.  m(

--- End quote ---

I'm pretty sure that starting from...

--- Quote from: Shiro on 14.12.2010, 14:42:59 ---I'f people are up for it, I could bring a xbox360 with Kinect and Dance central for EF17.

--- End quote ---

...This post it's not anymore a last-year-conversation :|

Myeah, I missed that part. My apologies. :-[

I think we should discuss about it on this thread, because the other one is from last year... it would be more simple.

As I said in my first post, I can provide some equipment, but I'm not volontary to manage a video game SIG.
I expect that someone will be ok to do this during EF17, then getting the necessary equipment won't be the main problem, I think. There are over 1000 attendees ! So finding a Xbox with kinect, another DDR pad or whatever should be possible !

Same thoughts here.

We just need an answer if there'll be any available room :T
Yet still no words but silence~!

That means we have to wait, I suppose.


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