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Opinion about this years pawpet show

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We (at least I) were laughing because the shopkeeper was so badass and cool about sacrificing himself.

It was the kind of laugh you get when you see something really crass.

I guess to some extend the audience didn't believe the henchman to be actually that tough. Before the shopkeeper incident we mostly saw them as cuddly, ebil, little animals, always missing everything with their oversized plastic guns. And getting yelled at by their bossy tigress a lot. They seemd to be the typical parody villain henchmen.

So having them actually kill someone in that fashion was a bit of a shocker and people didn't already see it coming.


--- Quote from: Cheetah on 24.08.2011, 15:02:22 ---
--- Quote from: Fineas on 23.08.2011, 23:40:14 ---
- The shopkeeper that fixed the telephone made a joke at the end of the scene, so everyone was laughing. But, I thought I heard a shot. So... did he get shot?

--- End quote ---

Yes. And I was a bit surprised that people laughed! It was totally not meant to be funny. It was supposed to be tragic! The man's a hero, and he probably knew a lot more about what was going on than he admitted. He was a very close friend of Null.

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Thygrrr on 24.08.2011, 15:22:47 ---We (at least I) were laughing because the shopkeeper was so badass and cool about sacrificing himself.

It was the kind of laugh you get when you see something really crass.

--- End quote ---

For me it really felt in between. I laughed at first. Then realized, damn this guy is putting his life on the line, why am I laughing? And then I heard the shot, but wasn't sure if it was one. So I felt aggravated, confused and relieved at the same time.

I think it has to do with timing.
The gun fight, escape and the foes entering the shop where hero just goes static saying like an every day "This is ... electronics, how can I help you."
Maybe if a second or 3 would have passed some suspense would have been created that would breathed that tension and drama you wanted. Everyone probably felt surprised, aggravated by the fight and relieved by the escape to realize another drama finished that scene.

Yeah, druon, I think you have a point. I've never looked at it that way.

I was actually expecting a goofy muppet like show, and wasn't expecting anything near the degree of profesionalism I saw at the show. The story was really well written, the characters beleivable and overall way better than what I was expecting.


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