Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Opinion about this years pawpet show

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I actualy like the fact that during the show we hear different english accent, and even with my poor english skills, I really have no problem understanding everyone there. It's Eurofurence, it's europe after all, showing that the pawpet show team is made of people from different country is cool :)

Rua Whitepaw:
Maybe you could display subtitles? :)


--- Quote from: Rua Whitepaw on 30.08.2011, 01:21:00 ---Maybe you could display subtitles? :)

--- End quote ---

You've got the job! :) I'll give you the script, when it gets finalized one week before the con, and you do the subtitling, okay?

(Finally someone I can make funny faces to, when actors switch around and skip their lines ... sofar, me, the sound effects guy, is the only one who gets totally confused when the cue lines I've been waiting for come early, late, in the wrong order or not at all - if you've ever wondered why so many sound effects are out of synch ... sometimes, actors can be pretty unpredictable :)

*appears, puts a pink bow on Cheetah's tail, and disappears again*

Unpredictable my ass ^.^

*looks at pink bow* Oooh nice! May I have one too please? =^_^=


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