Eurofurence Information > Feedback


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I was in the photoshoot with the other Clockwork Creature Studio creations this year; I didn't book the time slot myself so I have no idea how long we waited or how difficult it was to book us, but I do know we had to be in really good time to secure a spot.

It was towards the end of the Saturday photoshoot, so I know Thalian and his helpers must have had a punishingly long day (and long convention!) already. Even so, their helpfulness and attention to details amazed me. This was my first photoshoot (lots of firsts for me this year: first convention, first fursuiting, and also first photoshoot in 'suit) - I was late to the shoot, came down all rushed and with only one contact lens in (making me effectively blind), and not only did the photo staff wait patiently for me AND DID NOT SAY A SINGLE WORD OF REPROACH for which I am endlessly grateful, but they also helped me find my spot when I couldn't see and pose in the right way. And after the group shot, they even did an all-girls and all-monsters shot!

That is really amazing service, and it turned a stressful situation with me all rushed and frustrated into a very positive experience with my fellow Clockwork Creatures. I am looking very much forward to seeing the photos, and want to thank Thalian and his crew for their awesomeness in doing all of this for us. It was a very good experience for me and another high point of a perfect first EF. Thank you, guys, you're awesome. :D


sorry for my baaaad english :

I'm one of the guys, who helped Thalian. I made some of the props, I helped on the set, and  I worked all day at the registry.

it was....

....a lot of fun to make the photoshooting with all awesome guys,

....a lot of work, before the convention and on the convention,

... a lot of stress to answer all the questions, "why all slots are full?" "why no more slots?" etc.

 At saturday evening, everyone of the PhotoShootingCrew was VEEEEEEERRRYYYY exhausted.


Ok, nevermind then :)

And yes as i said, thank you for your awesome work!

I am a staffer, and it was not my first EF... it was my (lemme count) my ninth EF. And it was my very first regular photoshooting (got one two years ago being surprised by the photo team ;D ).
If Peggy wouldn`t have been so nice and would have given us the slots during a time all five suiters (three of them oncon staff) had some spare time we would never ever got one. Cause every time Peggy opend the registry we had to work to make this con the way it was. We were five people with three slots in total - you were alone and got your full 10 minutes. You might see that we got two slots less than we could have gotten so that two other guys could get one.
Does that make us the bad guys now???

Never said that....

Wathever, i see your point, forget about it. :)

See ya next year!


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