Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Purple Feedback

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Soo, for me,the EF was really great, except some little things which were....kinda annoying.
At first and for me a main reason, was, that there was a fetish-gear horse thing, which ran around. As far as I heared it, he got some special allowment to run around at the con. I dunno who it was, nor I care about what he is wearing. But there were camera teams and a lot of I totally not get it, why he was able to run around like that...

Another point were the stairs. At the opening ceremoney you told us, that the stairs will be useable for everyone, but the second floor was closed all the time. Some other floors havn't had a doorknob and were holded open with something between the door and the wall. But at least the second floor was closed all the time, when I wanted to get upstairs >.< Was a bit annoying, 'cause at some times, like in the pause of the Pawpetshow, I wanted to get upstairs, 'cause I was in suit and the elevators were just overcrowded, so I wanted to take the stairs :/

So, these points were the main things, which are stucked in my mind. But, there were a LOT of things, you changed in a good way! I really love the extra fans you put in the fursuit lounge. I cannot believe that it was still too less for all the suiters. What percentage of suiter were there actually on the con? o.o
And I really love the opening ceremoney, compared to the short words you did the last times. The way you did it this year was very useful and the ppl got all the information they needed. Another thing was the App and the calender, which made me really happy :D
The Pawpet show was also even better then the last ones. Well nothing compared to the one on EF12 :P ( I so loved the special effects )
Also I am very happy about the fact, that you put the group photoshoot and the fursuit photoshoot at those new times. No one would have been able to attend those on Sunday after BBFs dance and Kenais extra-songs at the end :3 Also it was very good to see two Dealer Dens! It was not so crowded anymore.

And, seriously, I have to say something now, which is really important. owolf did a GREAT and AMAZING job with all the camera teams on Friday. He managed to coordinate like 4 teams at the same time and also a few other reporters.

After all, I can say, it was a HELL of a party :D It was so great to have a lot of fun. Shame that some of my friends got in a depressive mood somehow...well, changeable next time ^^°

Thank you everyone for this awesome con! :D


--- Quote from: Keenora on 23.08.2011, 11:22:22 ---Soo, for me,the EF was really great, except some little things which were....kinda annoying.
At first and for me a main reason, was, that there was a fetish-gear horse thing, which ran around. As far as I heared it, he got some special allowment to run around at the con. I dunno who it was, nor I care about what he is wearing. But there were camera teams and a lot of I totally not get it, why he was able to run around like that...

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Can you point me to a name or a picture? I would like to know who we're talking about, since I don't remember anyone like that.

--- Quote ---Another point were the stairs. At the opening ceremoney you told us, that the stairs will be useable for everyone, but the second floor was closed all the time. Some other floors havn't had a doorknob and were holded open with something between the door and the wall. But at least the second floor was closed all the time, when I wanted to get upstairs >.< Was a bit annoying, 'cause at some times, like in the pause of the Pawpetshow, I wanted to get upstairs, 'cause I was in suit and the elevators were just overcrowded, so I wanted to take the stairs :/
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The hotel promised us to have all floors open in the left-hand-side staircases, and all floors I checked (not all of them) were indeed open. You're the first one to tell me! When did you find out about it, and who did you contact at the consite? It sounds like something that would have been really easy to fix in a couple of minutes if only I had known about it.

--- Quote ---So, these points were the main things, which are stucked in my mind. But, there were a LOT of things, you changed in a good way! I really love the extra fans you put in the fursuit lounge. I cannot believe that it was still too less for all the suiters. What percentage of suiter were there actually on the con? o.o
--- End quote ---

We have an online statistic about that:

Yup, almost 40% this year. Fursuits have become THE thing.

--- Quote ---And I really love the opening ceremoney, compared to the short words you did the last times. The way you did it this year was very useful and the ppl got all the information they needed. Another thing was the App and the calender, which made me really happy :D
--- End quote ---

Thanks! We (and especially myself personally) were rather unhappy how last years opening went, and thanks to Pinky and the Stage Team, we were able to have something more structured on stage this time. I'm also very happy how it turned out, and unlike in previous years, it was even fun being up there with everyone else. So this is going to stay. I like my opening "anthrocon style" :)

--- Quote ---The Pawpet show was also even better then the last ones. Well nothing compared to the one on EF12 :P ( I so loved the special effects )
Also I am very happy about the fact, that you put the group photoshoot and the fursuit photoshoot at those new times. No one would have been able to attend those on Sunday after BBFs dance and Kenais extra-songs at the end :3 Also it was very good to see two Dealer Dens! It was not so crowded anymore.
--- End quote ---

Thanks again ... we got a lot of criticism for that in the past, and we did a lot of restructuring of the timetable. Have you noticed the longer breaks between events, and increased numbers of event rooms too? Removing all events from Sunday except for the dead dog also meant a great deal of stress relief for the staff. And looking at last year's dealers den, extending it to a second room was almost inevitable. We ended up with a long waiting list, and it was so cramped it really dampened the good spirits quite a bit.

--- Quote ---And, seriously, I have to say something now, which is really important. owolf did a GREAT and AMAZING job with all the camera teams on Friday. He managed to coordinate like 4 teams at the same time and also a few other reporters.
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Now I wish those reporters would also read the goddamn fact sheets we handed them. I'm really disappointed how BAD these journalists do their work. The team of MDR (public television) even spelled our convention's name wrong - apparently I'm the chairman of "Interfurence" now :)

--- Quote ---After all, I can say, it was a HELL of a party :D It was so great to have a lot of fun. Shame that some of my friends got in a depressive mood somehow...well, changeable next time ^^° Thank you everyone for this awesome con! :D

--- End quote ---

You're very welcome! And this time I can safely say ... we enjoyed running this convention in just the same way. It was a lot of work, but also a lot of fun.


--- Quote from: Cheetah on 23.08.2011, 13:04:22 ---Can you point me to a name or a picture? I would like to know who we're talking about, since I don't remember anyone like that.

--- End quote ---


Bottom right picture, leftmost person - that suit, while extremely sophisticated and somewhat aesthetic, crosses the "line" on many levels...

I also found some of the lycra suits questionable, but it's really hard to draw any lines there.

I suppose it would open a whole can of worms if EF started pre-approving suits... (I suppose the suiter badges are kind of a step on that way)... but maybe it's necessary. EF shapes its own mainstream culture, and with 40% suiters, likely more next year, they can make a really strong impact.

First off, I really, really hate being fashion police. However, first and foremost, we are a furry convention, so it wouldn't make sense to allow even the most sophisticated piece of historical victorian garb, no matter how well done, if the other guests object to it.

This year I attempted to be a little more lax with our outfit rules to get some actual feedback. You may have seen some bodypainters hobbling about, as well as the odd lycra-based suit. Those were, in my opinion, not indecent and still looked "furry enough" in my book. The material used is of secondary concern, just ask some scalies there.

However, this leather-armor suit has been objected to more than once, by independent people, so we'll be having a better idea of where the limits of our attendees are. Bodypainting worked out well, though. We'll adjust our limits accordingly.


Well, Gyro, I heared a lot of Furries, who actually pointed that guy out. Especially at the DanceCompetition he sat there not that far from the jury away. And I asked a few of my friends and everyone was like: Okaaay...thats not ok :/

Well, as I said, I dont care what they are doing, or well, a compromise, let they do it at night or something. But definatly not in front of the camera teams or the children. Of course, the society is getting more open and nobody cares so far. But if the non-furry society is seeing this, it just generates the wrong idea o.o

I totally can understand Gyro though! Its hard to decide and when you decide, however what, you get 50% friends and 50% enemies. Its difficult and I really respect your position there. I still hope, its possible to find a solution for that o.o

For Cheetah, well, that fact with the stairs really havn't bothered me that much on Saturday evening anymore. If it would have been for the whole week, than I would probably have told that to some staff member. But for the last day? Nah, thats ok so far :3 It can happen :)


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