Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Feedback from EF17

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Only one thing that i wish to say:
THANK YOU EF TEAM! - All of you made a very hard and great job for all of us. I spend one of best days of my life on this con. It was really great, and for me, greater than previous.
REALLY BIG THANKS for fursuit team - fursuit lounge was purrfect! ;)

I hope, that all of attendees can feel the same, what I feel about this con. And I know, the next con will be better and I definetly will come there.

THANKS A LOT again to all!

Oh, by the way. Because this is "feedback" thread - I want to say one very little, but very annoing thing for me - EF IS OVER ;)


--- Quote from: Blacklion on 05.09.2011, 00:38:55 ---Oh, by the way. Because this is "feedback" thread - I want to say one very little, but very annoing thing for me - EF IS OVER ;)

--- End quote ---
We're already working on fixing this one *g*



--- Quote from: Zefiro on 05.09.2011, 10:40:31 ---
--- Quote from: Blacklion on 05.09.2011, 00:38:55 ---Oh, by the way. Because this is "feedback" thread - I want to say one very little, but very annoing thing for me - EF IS OVER ;)

--- End quote ---
We're already working on fixing this one *g*


--- End quote ---

Then let's hope it'll ever happen again after the fix…!  :D


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