Eurofurence Information > Feedback

various feedback

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--- Quote ---also, please, I know it may be annoying to stay put on the light mix table, but dont get drunk. too much smoke and strob dont get well when you are in a fursuite
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Sorry, but if you think I'm gonna sit and just watch people having fun, then you don't know me :D And while I might have been drunk, I was far away from beying wasted and still completly able to do my job :)  The smoke level was from my point the correct one, and strob light use in the corect way, didin't you recently went to any night club or party ? Strob are almost now uses as general ambiant light ;)

Fafnir Kristensen:
I was just reporting what my friend fursuiters told me, now you do what you want with it, ignore it or take it into account, your choice.

now what about my other points ?


--- Quote from: Fafnir Kristensen on 23.08.2011, 13:31:22 ---I was just reporting what my friend fursuiters told me, now you do what you want with it, ignore it or take it into account, your choice.

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Of course I take note of it, don't get me wrong, and will talk about that with the rest of te stage crew ;)


--- Quote from: Fafnir Kristensen on 23.08.2011, 11:48:46 ---just a feeling but maybe putting the art auction on saturday means people were less stressed/tired and hence less prompt to bid, meaning also fewer and lower bids. it ended also quite quickly (though this may also bee caused by lesser artpieces getting auctioned due to the difficult economical situation and such)
but then, maybe Oncle Kage appreciated he could attend his next panel without being late ;)

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There are certainly a number of things that influence the duration of the auction.

Actually, we increased the number of bids-to-auction on Uncle Kage's request to keep the duration of the auction in check (last year's auction had too many pieces), so a shorter auction was the goal. The two hours in the timetable are a maximum duration since we cannot tell in advance how many pieces will make it to the auction, and as you said, Uncle Kage has events to attend after the auction, too (also, sales happen immediately after). That said, we did count the items that would have made it to the auction after last year's rules (8 bids to auction) - which would have been only 11 pieces more; all in all the numbers were far below last year's auction even if you exclude the charity items.

There was also the factor that some artists ask for a higher starting price now (rather accepting unsold pieces than selling for minimum bid far below value), since the strategy "I start with a low minimum bid and hope people will get into a bidding war" has repeatedly failed with such a large selection of art for sale which gives buyers plenty of options. This certainly makes for more satisfying sales for artists, but the buyer interest will be more likely be settled on the bidsheet and not carry a piece to auction.

But it was also apparent that buyers were more cautious and thrifty with their money, going only for a selected few pieces (which still made top money). So yes, the bidding and the height of the bids probably have been hit by the ongoing economical crisis. Myself, I have definitely bought less stuff than in previous years (although I was seriously tempted by some beautiful and expressive art).


--- Quote from: Fafnir Kristensen on 23.08.2011, 13:31:22 ---I was just reporting what my friend fursuiters told me, now you do what you want with it, ignore it or take it into account, your choice.

now what about my other points ?

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They are being noted, and taken very seriously. (Like we did last year's feedback here in the forum. I hope it was noticeable how much little things we have been able to improve thanks to the criticisms here in the forum.)  However, I'm leaving it to the people in charge for the respective departments to decide if they want to comment on it or not :) Anyways thank you very much for your input.


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