I hope you don't mind (as a non-supersponsor) that I'm now also in the possession of all the goodness?
(wow, those wallpapers are great!)
We did expect information to leak out to the world sooner or later anyway. Though it would be nice to refrain from using the contents to anyones harm or commercially, especially the artwork.
I think most people would understand the Null box was live the moment he appeared during a scene change conducting the music. ;D
Eisfuchs and Tigerseye had sooooo much fun in the box (internally dubbed the "Zweierbob") and did crazy stuff all the time during all the rehearsals. I think it was the perfect excuse for them to have fun: being enclosed in the box they couldn't help us others anyway, nor were they in the way for anyone, so they could do all the sillyness they wanted while the rest of the team was busy. It was surely not in the script to show this to the audience, but I guess the video operator wanted you all to participate in what's happening all the time on his screen :)