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LOL that was about the time I went to bed most days.

Might go there for "late night" dinner next year, haha.


--- Quote from: FeuerFuchs on 25.08.2011, 15:19:03 ---La Piazza:Italian restaurant
... pasta was really outstanding, but the steak was a disaster: ...
--- End quote ---

Well, generally spoken: Order the stuff that is typical for the restaurant. At a italian one get some pasta or pollo (chicken). Pork and veal also is a good choice. For every dish you need some kitchen equipment and some experience to be perfect. If you want steak, go to a steak house. You really have some more pleasing results if you respect this simple rules.

In Germany those people that order "Jägerschnitzel" where ever they are in the world are a running gag. They will never experience some real gastronomical highlights ;-)

On the other paw a real good restaurant does not offer anything they can not serve perfectly. It is sad lots of restaurant think the people expect those choices. But you never know... Maybe their regular guests like the steak that way ;-)

Since many of us made REALLY bad experiences with the House of Steak last year, we decided to search for a new steak restaurant and found the "Bralo House" right next to the dome. (

Their service was very friendly (we went there with app 15 people, but reserved seats before of course) and the food was delicious! I ordered a rare steak and got it on a hot stone - not like the House of Steak where you get it on a cold plate.

So if you want to have some marvelous steak next year, I can only recommend this restaurant. :)

House of Steaks - first night we went here and it was jam packed. The server sat us outside, behind a wall and round the corner and promptly forgot about us (out of sight, out of mind). We left and went elsewhere. We did return on the Friday night however and got seated, pretty quick friendly service, and excellent food. Depends on your luck.

Qilin - again I think it depends on your luck with this place, we went here Thursday, got seated right away and service was timely. The food is pretty nice and the prices good.

Asian buffet - this was the one down the street from the House of Steaks which was offering the free drink to con goers. All I can say is yuck. It was NASTY. Just generally sub-standard food...and yes, I know it was cheap, but it wasn't cheap enough for what they were serving!

Schnizel Temple - dragged our butts all the way out to this restaurant on Friday night with high hopes. It was tiny and pretty packed but they did have space where we could have sat outside, instead we got a REALLY snotty server telling us to "go away, no space" and just a really sh*tty attitude. Wouldn't return, no matter how good their schnitzels. Completely rude!

We went to three restaurants this year: Wenzel (the Czech restaurant), La Piazza (the Italian restaurant behind the fountain) and Ciao Ciao (another Italian restaurant near the Karstadt, on the Ernst-Reuter-Allee).

Also been to the Bingöl and the small Asian buffet next to the Kaufland supermarket.

All served good food, I would recommend the Wenzel and the Ciao Ciao of them all :)


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