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--- Quote from: Original_Poster ---Posting this also on behalf of some others who'd like to remain anonymous;
first off, thanks to all who made last EF such a success!
There's just one thing I'd like to mention, or request for future EFs, and that regards the balloons in the main lobby. Some people (including myself obviously) really aren't all that fond of balloons (major understatement to some). Now of course one can't keep éverybody happy, but it's something I've been asked to mention. During the wait for the pawpet show it kind of got too much for one fur as she somewhat panicked from the many balloons popping, and due to the big crowd she couldn't easely run away. Another example being a fur that didn't see the show live as getting to it meant crossing the lobby, which was a no-go.
So as rediculous this might sound, please take it into account next time (that'd be you, Skeppo ;)). I do think it's okay during the parade and such, as the open space and 'outside' helps alot for some. I obviously can't ask for a ban on balloons lol, but it'd help to stick to roomparties etc. regarding, instead of flooding the public areas. :) I can't randomy throw my stuff around in the lobby either, right?  :P
Well, thanks.  :D

--- End quote ---

Oh yes, yes, yes. I know this too well. Waiting for the show to start was very stressful - even with the earplugs I carry with me all the time.
What was even harder for me personally though was having the balloons in the actual seating area of the stage (before Kage or Bitter Lake iirc).

I too would like to kindly ask to respect the fears and phobias of your fellow furs.

Sorry, but I really, really liked the balloons as a kind of "crowd control" while waiting for the PPS seating to start. I did not like them being popped though, and they were a nuisance or worse in the stage room itself (both during PPS and during the dances) -- but, er. A phobia of balloons? I hearthily respect all kinds of challenges attendees might have, but how many people are actually affected by Fear of Balloons?

(Besides, they were, AFAIK, in no way initiated nor encouraged by EF staff. Nor does my opinion reflect the official one of EF.)

I'm sorry, but at 1000+ participants it is practically impossible to take any individual's possible phobias into account.

Even if 10 persons felt offended (quite a high number), that would make 1% of attendees affected, and 99% unbothered.

Well it's not the balloon itself it's rather the loud bang and there had been quite a few people(myself included) who really didn't liked it. So it might be an idea to not use them/use them in private.

Oh my .. this is a complex topic! I totally agree with balloons inside the main ballroom ... during events, they are an unwanted distraction, and possible a slight danger to equipment, so there's no reason to allow them in there.

But the first thing that caught my eye when watching the linked youtube video was, that the majority of furs there seemed to have a very good time - most likely a much better time than they would have had without those balloons. They are a popular party accessory, and one of the simplest toys ever invented. Sending security out there to take the balloons away probably would not have gone down well ... after all, people had nothing else to do. So, on average, it was a good thing to have the balloons out there. It kept people entertained and occupied, instead of being bored and frustrated. Great stuff.

On the other hand, if you have a phobia about balloons popping, I can fully understand why that might have been a very frightening situation for you - and that it's not your fault, because you are what you are.

Now comes the hard part. You're basically asking me for a decision if I should let 500 people ruin the fun for you ... or have you ruin the fun for 500 people. I'm not going to answer this ... if you ask that question this way, every answer is a wrong answer.

Is there anything we (or you, or us together) can do to improve the situation for you that does not require me to make such a black-and-white decision? Maybe we can find a workaround?


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