Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Many thanks to the Fursuit Team

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With so much positive feedback, I have to wholeheartedly thank my entire team of fursuit supporters for their great work.

Namely (based on their main occopation)

- Tigerseye for his annual fursuit badge work
- Kazzador for taking most of the maintenance duty shifts
- doco for being the fursuit bartender during and after the parade
- Furvan, Tekumseh, Jake_R, Jon_O, and the assigned ConOps Helpers and Volunteers
  for helping with the assembly and breakdown of the Fursuit Lounge, and occasional cleaning service.

I would also like to extend my thanks to the Security Team for the support with entrance control and parade safety, as well as ConOps for their assistance with constant material relocation.

Fursuit Support doesn't draw a lot of attention, but it's one of the things that makes EF so inviting for the Fursuiters (40% of all attendees ? wow!), and I couldn't do it without you guys.  :)

Fursuit lounge was, again amazing! Gotta love those big fans! Thank you guys for all the effort!

As said on IRC:

First time fursuiting, first time in lounge = scary

Well planned and organised = Had great time! Not (too) scared!

So thank you whole team from my side too!

I still don't know what Woodruff is. But I like it. It shall be known as Eurofurence green.

Best fursuit lounge ever! :)

Had enough fans.
Had Eurofurence Green!

Perfect! :)


--- Quote from: Mystifur on 29.08.2011, 16:16:27 ---Fursuit Support doesn't draw a lot of attention, but it's one of the things that makes EF so inviting for the Fursuiters (40% of all attendees ? wow!), and I couldn't do it without you guys.  :)

--- End quote ---

I have to admit, while pretty much every con tries to cater to the fursuiters as much as they can, I have never seen a con that has a team like yours, that goes out of their way as much as you folks do to make sure fursuiters are always taken care of. So:



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