Eurofurence Information > Programming

Idea for a Flash Mob?

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--- Quote from: Cheetah on 19.06.2012, 16:02:09 ---Yeah, don't want to be a spoilsport, but everyone who has ever tried to organise a fursuit event will be able to tell you in great detail why what looks like a funny idea on paper would be a really bad idea in real life :)

--- End quote ---

It is Ok!
I know what you and the other mean! ;)

It was not was only a idea!
Because i think it can be fun! And maibey a world record...and so on...

And I know the consequences!...

It is Ok! :)

If it is Ok...when you think it is really better so...
You can close this thema please!

And sorry from me!

Miles T.F. Baxxter:
As long as you keep it to the hotel lobby, it should be okay. Or maybe even the nearby mall. But you'd need permission from either Cheetah et al, or the mysterious mall managers. But suddenly running across the street would be a bad idea.

Would take a fair bit of organizing though! And practicing.

Guy, you could do the EF team and everyone a BIG favour, if you did NOT any kind of large-scale actions inside the hotel. You might be creating a serious security and safety risk - and a disruption of our operations. So I'm going to close this topic now :)


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