@Anticarrot: Would you mind keeping such statements to yourself please? You have no clue about what's going on behind the scenes and talk like that shows a lack of respect for the staffs work and dedication. Also, if you need to make fun of Eurofurence in your signature, you should at least take care to check your grammar.
@Arbuzan Rakiri:
Usually the timetable is not final until the very last days before the convention, since there's just too many dependencies. This year our staff is burning out themselves to give our guests the awesome experience they are used to at Eurofurence. Since all of our staff-members have their normal lives to manage as well and since this year was rather troublesome for some of our core-staffers things are even worse for some and they still work on time. Please bear with us. :3
I'm not fully informed about projects like the Eurofurence-app or online-versions of the time tables, so I can't say anything about that. But like I said, the timetable is shifted around with usually till very shortly before the convention.
If you have any specific questions about this topic or the timetable, just ask them here and our staff members will answer them gladly!
As for the Sunday: No, there is no real closing-ceremony. Right after our famous pawpetshow major parts of the staff including our chairman Cheetah are on stage, introducing the pawpetcrew, giving out his thanks for everyone and announcing the bigbluedance, which starts afterwards. That is somewhat our closing-ceremony. :3
On the Sunday itself there is only the dead dog party in the evening/night (which no one should miss! It's where the staff gets drunk
