Eurofurence Community > Eurofurence Media

unofficial PawPetShow video done - FINAL VERSION

<< < (3/5) > >>

(link removed, upload failed again)

Uploaded again.
First upload was stuck at 51%.

and it´s a private video

Yes, I noticed a mistake in the version I handed out on USB stick and later uploaded.
While at it anyway I got carried away.

Fixed the intro and corrected the distorted angle and slightly off exposure when filming the projector screens, removed visible trussing and light fixtures above the stage and am waiting for the motion-tracking that's supposed to fix the monopod slightly swinging back and forth to finish.
Didn't expect the computer to take that long based on past experience.
I'll render an improved version and put that online tomorrow morning. (Or evening if the upload fails.)
After that there will be no public versions until the final one.
And I'll be really gratefull for any comment as of how to improve the sneak preview to become the final one.
After all. I'm just an amateur with 3 reprogrammed photo cameras. While out of the need to do so, I did teach myself the technical side of editing, I'm seriously lacking in experience, aesthetics, common conventions and workarounds for common issues.

Quincy the Raccoon:
Still private.. could you make it viewable for everyone?  :)

Pleaaaaaaaaase make it so that we can see it?


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