since its my first EF i dont know about these things. Since the dates are Wed 5th to Sun 9th September. I am assuming that the wednesday and sunday are primarily for people to get to and leave the convention. If so, does that mean that people wont miss much if they arrive later on in the day on the Wednesday or leave early on the Sunday due to travel arrangements?
In the past, Wednesday has basically comprised Registration, the Opening Ceremony and a Barbecue, and Sunday is just checkout, the Group Photo and the AGM for Eurofurence e.V. (the non-profit organisation that organises EF)
If you opt to take the
Air Berlin flights between
London Stansted and
Nuremberg I'd suggest getting the morning flight from Stansted on the Wednesday and the evening flight back on Sunday, as that
should ensure you get the full EF "experience" (trains permitting!)
And subscribe to the mailing list! E-Mail ukef-join (at) simbaspaws (dot) org or visit
this page to do so, and you'll find out what other UK types are planning.