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Eurofurence 29 — "Space Expedition"
Sep 3 — 6, 2025
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg


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Author Topic: Computer animation / computer graphics panels announced  (Read 48644 times)


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Well, I'm going to offer some computer graphics panels again for everybody who's interested in that kind of stuff. Here are the descriptions and some additional info, so you can decide beforehand whether that one's for you! (You can also make suggestions here, if it fits the general direction of the panels.)

Panel 1: Computer Animation for the Absolute Beginner

Ever admired the state of the art computer animations? Ice Age, Up, Over the Hedge... clearly, it's easy, just done with some sliders, and the computer does everything anyway!

Well, sort of true, but it's about five thousand sliders, and when you are just starting, you're hit over the head with half a million technical terms that seem to make no sense at all. This presentation will introduce the general process of computer animation, explain the most important terms and techniques, and reveal what is and is not the purpose of the many programs involved in animation.

Suitable for everyone who intends to have a practical look at animation, who wants to get some information before installing a 3D application at home, or who simply wants to appreciate the art of computer animation.

Obviously, one panel is not enough to even get you started in 3D animation, so I will not even try to teach a specific program here. This panel will be high level, showing the steps in making a 3D image, explaining the context and the process, and throw some terms at you which you cannot live without. I'll bring examples along.

You don't need to have any previous knowledge in the field, but you should know your way around a computer. Well, duh!

If you are a professional in the field, or a long-term hobbyist, this panel will probably not offer you further enlightenment, but you can come nevertheless and bitch about my mistakes.  ;D

Panel 2: Computer graphics and animation in the fandom - Round table

Originally a very exclusive and limited thing, computer graphics and animation has become affordable and available for every dedicated artist. Where home computers could only render static geometric chessboard examples some decade ago (and needed all night for it), today's sophisticated programs and multicore powerhouses do it all: from fluid simulation and hardbody physics to fur and cloth in glorious global illumination techniques.

But all is not sunshine and roses. The tools have become complex and vast, and the professional competition calls for ever-more impressive graphics and mind-boggling sparkliness.

There are a few computer artists in the fandom, and both still images and animations have been produced. Where does it all go? What are the limits? What has already been achieved? Can the fandom take a flying leap and produce a collaborative project? One that is not porn, perhaps?

Come to this round table and discuss the technical and social reality, and the dream of the future.

Don't worry, you're not forced to participate in the panel, but your input is appreciated. Do you want to show something off? Bring it along. Do you have projects of your own? Present it. Is there something that exasperates you? You're welcome to complain!

I will bring along estimations and calculations, new buzzwords and trends, a few headdesks and sad tales of failed projects, so you can do it better.

For this panel, you should have some idea of the computer graphics process. You don't need to be an expert, and the first panel I hold will give you an idea of that process already. I'm not going into the details of subsurface scattering or hair dynamics - this panel may throw some tech stuff at you but it's not the main focus. Pros, practitioners, and active hobbyists are very welcome for discussion.  :D



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Re: Computer animation / computer graphics panels announced
« Reply #1 on: 07.08.2012, 11:26:59 »

That's cool to see that someone else is going to make a Panel about this topic !

I and a friend of mine did it last year and for EF15, but it wasn't very sucessful, mainly due to the lack of preparation.
We tried to say too many things with too many details in a too short time, so that's indeed better to have a general topic instead of showing some particular stuff or software.

I may be there (At least the second panel) and I hope there will be more people interested than last year. (that's not hard  ;D )


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Re: Computer animation / computer graphics panels announced
« Reply #2 on: 07.08.2012, 11:47:53 »

I and a friend of mine did it last year and for EF15, but it wasn't very sucessful, mainly due to the lack of preparation.
We tried to say too many things with too many details in a too short time, so that's indeed better to have a general topic instead of showing some particular stuff or software.

Yes, it's extremely easy to go off the deep end and include all the details on a topic... going from triangles to coordinate systems, to matrix transformations, to vector mathematics... and suddenly you are talking about Lindenmayer systems when the public actually just wanted to know how to create a cube. (I haven't been able to be at your panel last year, I think it was on Saturday parallel to the Art Show sales where I am sort of required, but I see the dangers...)

I will stay with the general production process first, then present the main steps in creating, texturing, and animating a 3D world. Then I may talk a bit about the programs that are available. And when there's time, I can expand the various stages of the process with a little detail, perhaps even on audience request.

I won't do any mathematics, program-specific buttons (except for a demonstration), or go into general design issues. Purpose is just to achieve some general knowledge that the audience can later expand upon on their own, or which may be deepened in another panel (although having an advanced panel next year may be a bit much of a gap  ;D ).

Also, I'd like to measure the general interest in topics like these, therefore I have planned two panels on different levels of expertise. If we can find a like-minded group of individuals, we can start some kind of communication and exchange that goes beyond EF (which is great but only once a year  :D ).



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Re: Computer animation / computer graphics panels announced
« Reply #3 on: 11.08.2012, 00:02:49 »

Can the fandom take a flying leap and produce a collaborative project?
Yes, we can!
One that is not porn, perhaps?
Hrs, did you read this?  ;D
Furry conventions are like light bubbles in a dark ocean.


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Re: Computer animation / computer graphics panels announced
« Reply #4 on: 14.08.2012, 17:52:43 »

Hrs, did you read this?  ;D



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Re: Computer animation / computer graphics panels announced
« Reply #5 on: 17.08.2012, 23:29:04 »

I created sort of version of this for the XVI eurofurence in form of a blender workshop,
Id be intererested in this definetly :)


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Re: Computer animation / computer graphics panels announced
« Reply #6 on: 22.08.2012, 17:29:06 »

I created sort of version of this for the XVI eurofurence in form of a blender workshop,
Id be intererested in this definetly :)

I've got Blender installed, but I never had the time to really delve into it (Cinema4D user here...). With all the new stuff (especially Cloth, which I sorely miss in C4D) and its ability to do post-render edits / compositing, I need to check it out.

For the first panel, I'll stay pretty much high-level and application-independent, so it does not matter what you are using (or think about using). 1.5 hours is really short anyway  ;D

Come by the second panel -- as it's a round table, I'd be happy if people contribute with their ideas or even works. I see some great potential in the fandom, so let's network!


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Re: Computer animation / computer graphics panels announced
« Reply #7 on: 22.08.2012, 23:03:16 »

Hi Cairyn

I'm very interested in the panels - when they are and where  hold.

Myself using 3D modeling for fursuit creation (Rhino 3D and Blender) via 3D Plot- i just at the beginning steps to animate my stuff.

Looking forward to hear from you


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Re: Computer animation / computer graphics panels announced
« Reply #8 on: 22.08.2012, 23:30:16 »

I'm very interested in the panels - when they are and where  hold.

Myself using 3D modeling for fursuit creation (Rhino 3D and Blender) via 3D Plot- i just at the beginning steps to animate my stuff.

The Beginners' panel will be in Panel Room 3 (Halle) on Thursday 14:00-15:30 (although if you are already animating characters, then this may be too basic). The Round Table will be in Panel Room 4 (Nürnberg) on Friday 12:00-13:30.

With the many fursuiting panels and events around, I think both will coincide with some fursuit events. But you can also approach me outside the panels for specific questions. I'll be in the Art Show, most likely  ;D


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Re: Computer animation / computer graphics panels announced
« Reply #9 on: 23.08.2012, 07:38:49 »

Hi Cairyn,

Thursday I cant make it - arrive pretty late afternmoon.
The Roundtable should possible - looking forward.
My current views in the case is rigging the Models and using MMD with Kinect to make em move.

Fursuiting Panals give me nothing anymore since I tried any style and ways.
My current production form 3D models into real fursuits is at its final stage.


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Re: Computer animation / computer graphics panels announced
« Reply #10 on: 23.08.2012, 11:28:56 »

Kinect? Sounds great, that's something I would like to hear about. Motion capture used to be so horrendously expensive.


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Re: Computer animation / computer graphics panels announced
« Reply #11 on: 04.09.2012, 22:48:27 »

Did someone got the video of this ? I was there for half an hour, but I had to leave early because I was invited to eat by friends =/
The beginning was interesting, so I'd like to see the end. Thanks :)


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Re: Computer animation / computer graphics panels announced
« Reply #12 on: 07.09.2012, 16:46:52 »

Did someone got the video of this ?
Which session? The first one was a tour of various features of modern CGI programmes (sculpting, physics, lighting) and the second was essentially an overview of current and past furry animation projects.

I can post a few links to videos that do similar, but I was kinda waiting for Cairyn to start the group up first.


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Re: Computer animation / computer graphics panels announced
« Reply #13 on: 07.09.2012, 17:41:17 »

Okay, here we sort of go!

I have set up an account on FA: Animated Fluffies (oh yes I am corny)
and put some watches and one fave there. Unfortunately FA doesn't seem to have any real group functionality, so I have to run this as if it were a single person account, and put stuff into the journals. Meh. Well, one has to start somewhere.

Drop some shouts there, and we'll watch each other and can give feedback. I will occasionally collect stuff in the journals. If you want something specific to be put in a journal, notify me.

As for the actual panels:

CGI for the Absolute Beginner turned out to have a bit much material. I tend to go over things too quickly in my mind when I prepare, and then take much longer in the actual talk. If I do a similar panel again, I will probably restrict the topics even more and provide some demo animations and little movies to go with it. I doubt we'll cover as many details, but perhaps I can limit it to basic modeling, texturing, and animating with examples.

I will not hold the same panel next year though, perhaps in two years again. Not sure whether it would be helpful to follow through with hands-on examples live in the application, since most people will want to start on Blender, and I rather prefer C4D.

The CGI Round Table was less time-challenged, probably because I didn't have a strict schedule in mind. I admit I was hopping around topics a bit, but I guess that's still not out of scope. The above FA group has been set up, as mentioned in the panel. So now we have a meeting point.

I expect tutorial links to be mentioned in the journals; news; links to your own stuff. I can also put your stuff into the Gallery, just tell me how we're going to organize this thing.

For next year (dammit this is early!):

I would actually like to have another round table where we can sit and chat and exchange stuff. If you want to show some animation / CGI work that is not yet online (or which you want to keep in a small circle) bring it by! We can also discuss how the CGI applications and products look like, then.

In addition, I am planning a new panel CGI and Facial Expression, by then hopefully with a new face model that does not have the same issues as the current one. Perhaps even with lip sync if I can figure out how to get appropriate sound out of these §$%&! loudspeakers.

If you want something else, feel free to ask.
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