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A new year, a new opinion about the pawpetshow

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Warning this may contain spoilers!
Okay everyone you know the drill.
This is my opinion and what I've felt after the PawPetShow at EF18.
It's just a few minutes after the show so I have most of the stuff still in my head.
Please feel free to discuss the matters, but please don't troll, insult or hate on other people's opinion.
I will do so too ofcourse =)

So here I start.

Let's begin with the stuff I liked about this years show.
First of all the puppets were fabulous. Especially those two arctic foxes. So kewt. I really love the design of them and how they came to life.
That brings me to my second point. The puppeteers were great this year. They brought the puppets really to life, the text was flawlessly and the "head problem" was reduced to a minimum (although i somtimes saw fairlight *giggles*) So a great Kudos to them. Another thing that was very nice this year was the deep red lightning. though I - as many others maybe too - could've killed the person who had the idea with the flash light when defibrilating (is that a word??) Marcus. Grrr
The transition between sets were fantastic. They were informative, funny and exactly the length to be not too long or too short.
those Prefilmed scenes (the together scene and the one day after scene) were fantastic and really well made. I loved those. And the Ending this year was great. It gave a good conclusion to Marcus' Story
Which brings me to my final point: The music. The music during transitions was really nice and it kept the mood high.

Okay well after all the good now come my "not so good" points.
The story. The Idea of the story was very interesting - getting a girlfriend out of the dreams - but the plot itself was pretty unspectacular and boring.
it lacked from all a bit. It lacked a deep deep emotional moment, it lacked a great comedic scene and it lacked a good action scene. This is my 4th EF and I have to say that this years PawPetShow was the lowest of those 4 years.
It could be connected to the fact, that I didn't feel that much connected to the main characters anymore, since it's only for one show and after that not anymore. I don't know how you'll handle it in the future, but it would be great to have a main cast again like Mika and the Gang. It doesn't have
to be them ofcourse, but it would be awesome if they would connect through more than one Shows so people could build a relationship with the main cast again.

Well I think that was all I've got to say for this year's PPS
If i remember some things I'll make sure to add them.

Overall: Kudos to Cheetah for another great year of EF and his great effords, hair and sweat (oh and ofcourse the blood of his slaves)

Thanks for a great time at EF18

sincerly Keidran

While not as cathartic, realistic or emotionally touching as previous shows (Unlucky 14, Dreamcatchers, and that really awesome one with the Fennec insurgents), this one was still very good. I loved its dramaturgy (although I somehow expected more volcanic mayhem) and the characters.

The plot was pure fantasy, and I loved how the vixens got to the future thanks to Fortuna.

Shay again filled the intermissions with very excellent voice clips.

The backdrop art was stunning.

The puppeteering was great.

The lighting + smoke were spectacular.

The soundtrack was spectacular.

It can't and shouldn't be measured against the other ones. It wouldn't do POMPEII justice.

Quincy the Raccoon:
Sadly, I must agree with Keidran. The show was OK... but there was something missing... but I can't put my paw right on it... something was truly missing... Don't get me wrong, the music was fabulous, also those interesting tidbits about Pompeii were fun!

If I would rate it, it would be a 8. (BTW: those breaks between were awfully short... only 9 minutes... you really had to ruuuuuuuush to get something to drink/eat)

Well I for one was immensely surprised to learn that this year's show was an ISOT story. ;D On the one hand, that's one of my favorite genres, and if/when you release this on DVD, or uploaded to youtube, I'll be pointing it out on the relavent forums. On the other hand, being a fan of a genre which is basically endless variations on a single one-trick-pony makes me a little jaded. On the prehensile tail, I've also had the chance to gain some actual theatre experience in the past year, which has given me much more appreciation for some of what Cheetah's crew goes through. Thank you once again to him and them for giving us the show in the first place.


There were many things I enjoyed about this show. I liked the dark tone, and how you didn't shy away from the nastiness of the Roman Empire. And the return of even one supersized puppet was very welcome. There was a good contrast betwen the dry, clinical, and (dare I say?) souless delivery that's typical of many older real world historical documentaries, and the reality on the ground. I found myself wondering if you actually wrote it, or simply recorded some actual 60s TV shows; it was very authentic. There was not as much humour as in past years (expected given the plot) but what was left was pitch perfect. I *loved* the rival fans! And I assume everyone loved the Achievements! scene. :D

On the other hand... Dark is not always the same as entertaining. This show reminded me of several major hollywood movies, that won awards and made a lot of money, which as a matter of personal taste I chose not to see. I think the villian could have benifitted from a little bit of moral complexity. I believe this is the first time you've actually shown major villany on stage (Lord Terrion was close, but his villany was implied, and abstract) and I was surprised by who killed him; because usually that role is given to another member of the cast. I was even more surprised that I didn't hear a single mention of pyroclastic flows, which made it hard for me to believe the two leads were experts on Pompeii. ::)

I have mixed feelings about the puppets. Much as I like to gush about the over sized tigers, I'm fond of the folkmanis puppets, and the unique style they've lent DOPE & LSD over the years. Overall I think it was a Brave attempt to take the show in new directions.

One final question though: Was one of the puppeters *really* wearing leaves on their head during the tree scene? ;)

It was my first EF and so the first time I saw the PPS
And for me it was so awesome! ^_^
Even if I didn't understand everything the speaker said in his little explanations about pompeii


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