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A new year, a new opinion about the pawpetshow

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To have a set off core characters with given names and personality could be a way to ease on the burden off building new ones, but it would also decrease the number off options aviable each year, and it might be somewhat confusing to see say Marcus as a archelogist this year and maybe a construction worker next.

Another way could be to threat the puppets like actors. Aka the "actors" have set names, voices and personality and theyre playing diferent characters with different personality each year. Thus all you need to do is to restyle them for each show, and you can even have theyre actors personality show at the curtain call. Thus it would be perfectly accepteble to see "Marcus" as a archelogist this year and a construction worker (or whatever) next year.


--- Quote from: Ragear on 06.09.2012, 22:04:21 ---(did I recognize the goat from CFz correctly?)

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Yes you did. as you can see on the Pompeii flyer; Sir William Bellicose was the British guest actor featured in this years play.


--- Quote from: Ralesk on 04.09.2012, 20:39:28 ---

[*] A few actors unfortunately still have a very thick German accent that really throws me off, in the sense that I just can't understand most of what they're saying.  For example the character in the arena who asked the protagonists about their scripts, I figured out what was being said from the context a sentence later.  Even though I have an otherwise decent command of the language...

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Ok, i'm very sorry but you go a little too far.

You come to a german convention where we, as hosts do our best to push it to international standards by speaking english. But still you are a guest in a german speaking country and it would be nice to show a little respect, you comment was very rude and inappropriate.

When i go to confuzzled i have a hard time understanding the pawpetshow because of the heavy british accent but i would never complain about that.

Jake R:

--- Quote from: Nightfox on 07.09.2012, 17:45:41 ---When i go to confuzzled i have a hard time understanding the pawpetshow because of the heavy british accent but i would never complain about that.

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I have to say I agree with this: I personally had more trouble understanding native English speakers than Germans most of the time - the Germans usually at least try to take the time to pronounce the English words correctly, while the native English speakers more often rush through it because they're so used to English. Of course this isn't always the case, and as Nightfox said I wouldn't normally complain about this at an international convention. But now that it's been pointed out anyway, I thought I'd mention it. Training your pronunciation as a performer is never a bad thing, no matter where you're from. =)

Overall I was more than satisfied with the voice acting skill off the cast. Apart from the technical issues with a bad mic there was only a few parts that I failed to understand, but it could have been caused by the fact that english isnt my mother laungage.


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