Eurofurence Information > Feedback

A new year, a new opinion about the pawpetshow

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*hugs* thanks you alot cheetah and congrats for the wonderful show :D

Jake R:
If we're linking stuff anyway:

I'd still like to know what the pixelartsy animation was that played during the second (?) intermission, I only saw flashes of it while selling otter noses but it looked really cool! Does anyone have a link for me? =)

Fafnir Kristensen:

--- Quote from: Jake R on 08.09.2012, 19:50:29 ---I'd still like to know what the pixelartsy animation was that played during the second (?) intermission,

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@ Cheetah : I dont know how you handle the various animation used during intermission, concerning copyrights and so, but here is one very very nice animation with Im sure people would absolutely love seeing as intermission , maybe for next year :)


--- Quote from: Cheetah on 08.09.2012, 19:18:28 ---A few pieces were taken from film soundtracks, but I'd have to look them up, so if you're looking for a specific piece, that you can't find on the above releases, please let me know.

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At least one piece (i think during the scene on the tree) was taken from the Transformers Soundtrack - Sam at the Lake

// Lyn

This was my first time attending EF so it's hard for me to compare the Pawpet show to anything, but here's my opinion shortly:

I think the Pawpet show was very well thought out. The execution of the show was nearly perfect, apart from a few slight delays and a few moments when we could see the puppeteers' heads, but all of this was easily negligible. Even professional theatres who do this for living have such things happen to them.
I also see some people were complaining about the light effect during defibrillation and as much as it was a surprise, I found it to be a very nice touch to making the show feel more real.

For me there was really only one downside and that was the fact that the story was a bit predictable. Maybe this is because I watch too much TV, but after the first 15 minutes of the show, I could pretty much predict the whole story till the end.

I'd also like to comment on this:

--- Quote from: Ralesk on 04.09.2012, 20:39:28 ---[*] A few actors unfortunately still have a very thick German accent that really throws me off, in the sense that I just can't understand most of what they're saying.  For example the character in the arena who asked the protagonists about their scripts, I figured out what was being said from the context a sentence later.  Even though I have an otherwise decent command of the language...

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I come from a non-english and non-german speaking country and was able to understand every word said by the actors without a problem, even though my hearing is not the best, so I can hardly say this was a problem.


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