Eurofurence Information > Feedback

EF18 Feedback

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I wasnt that bothered with the guy in a headless suit, every character is kinda unique and thats maybe his way off things.

What was more "disturbing" in that sence was a guy that had a partial suite but with shorts and short sleaved tshirt so that parts of his skins was showing on legs and arms, breaked the magic for me.

+Generally good con and a awesome first con experience, I walked around and adored all the fursuiters, and it was severel off thim in the lobby every time I was there! Great and fun.
+The GOH Peter S Beagle was a great and friendly guy who I really enjoyed hearing and talking to at severel occation.
+The parade was great and off a good length.
+The concert and the pawpet shows was great and fun experience, specially since I love theathre and specially musical theathre.
+Great and friendly staff, speciall Pinky and Cage was awesome to speak with.
+When I come to the station I got greated with severel furries and a swedish friend of me, that was awesome helpfull and something I hope you would make official next year! Such assistance is really usefull for newbis, as well as a great introduction to the con for Magdeburg people.

-You have the buffet stated in the official programme and thus Id like to bealive it should be free of charge for the guests, or it wouldnt be off much use to put it as an "offical" meal event, would it? Would have been nice to have a welcome dinner/meal included.
-Some events, specially the concert, started very late, and I lost info about it.
-There was a long que to one off the dealers den, and a short to the other, maybe you should do a better balance or room setting for them next time?
-The GOHs musical event saw the room (munchen room) completely empty and we (including Peter) had to move chairs and other furniturs, thus should be done by the staff, really.
-To loud volume at the fursuiters friendly dance with no (what I could see) earplugs scared me away from that event. Later you suplyed them and it was a great adition to thoose with sencitive ears.
-No info where you could find the different staff sections, specially the lost and found section. As it was now I could see one staff desk and they tryed to make me give a piece I found on the floor at the "lost and found" area but I still havent a clue on where that was.
-No activities on sunday. I would have loved to had a few thing to do before the dead dog party, as it was now most off that day was a long "the day after feeling."
-No official closing cermony. Why, really?
-Not so good timetable on some event. There where many panels at the same times (12,14 and even 16) and you couldnt visit all that you where interested in. Also the fursuit dance contest was at the same time most off us has to go and prephere for the parade, I couldnt onl see 3 or 4 numbers and would have loved to see more of it and it should have been schedualed away from other major fursuiting events.
-No official meeting point. That would have been much easier to meet and great with friends.

Overall a great and fun experience! Thanks!

The new fursuit parade route is awesome.
Gave trax application feedback already. Nice addition.
Congratulations on getting main events times better :)
Dances were especially good this year, any recordings? :)
Splitting the auction into two parts is very good imo.

Fursuit dance seemed to have failed :/


--- Quote from: doco on 04.09.2012, 13:48:19 ---
--- Quote from: Sithy on 04.09.2012, 13:29:01 ---- Likewise, a lack of common sense in the fursuit lounge. Please don't hog the drying devices for hours on end! I noticed this already got covered by lounge staff in the appropriate thread so yay for you guys :) IMHO though it's not something fursuit lounge staff should/can be blamed for...people just need to get some manners. I own a lot of suits so we took our own fans along so we can dry stuff in our own room -- rather than take up 9+ spots for hours on end. Just something to consider! I saw a lot of suits just sitting there for days on end  ???

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Remember there's a number of people staying in the overflow hotels, too They probably can't be bothered to carry their fursuit back and forth between hotels, I guess. :-\

(Actually, a good idea would be to put up a few coat racks for storing already dried suits, come to think of it...)

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Yes we where many that stayed at overflow hotel, and actually some storage area, or even storage lockers, would be a great service to us. I didnt mind carrying my fursuit back and forth but a fixed and secured spot to store/dry it at the fursuit lounge would definately help.


--- Quote from: Gero on 04.09.2012, 14:52:58 ---Cons:

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Thank you very much for your feedback! EF staff will try very hard to make each con better than all the EFs before ... however, I believe a few of your points are rather unlikely to be changed (anyone, please correct me where I am wrong)

--- Quote ----You have the buffet stated in the official programme and thus Id like to bealive it should be free of charge for the guests, or it wouldnt be off much use to put it as an "offical" meal event, would it? Would have been nice to have a welcome dinner/meal included.

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There ain't no free lunch :)  No, seriously, the hotel would charge us for each guest, and if this would result in a bill of, say, EUR 15,- per person (I am making up this number, but I believe it would be realistic for an AYCE BBQ buffet), we would have to raise the con fee by this amount -- even for those who arrive too late, who are still busy setting up their stuff, or who would prefer other food. This way, only those who wants to join the "official" BBQ have to pay for it.

--- Quote ----Some events, specially the concert, started very late, and I lost info about it.

--- End quote ---
We are very sorry about the delays, and will try very hard to avoid them in the future (it got already a lot better since the Ringberg days ...) Anyways, the text band in EFprime (visible e.g. on the screen next to the Piano bar in the lobby) was set up to inform people about changes. We will discuss other means of getting this information to our attendees in the future (of course, hoping that we will not have to use them :) )

--- Quote ----There was a long que to one off the dealers den, and a short to the other, maybe you should do a better balance or room setting for them next time?
-The GOHs musical event saw the room (munchen room) completely empty and we (including Peter) had to move chairs and other furniturs, thus should be done by the staff, really.

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Can't comment on those ... anyone from the teams? Anyways, I really doubt the latter was done on purpose, and Con Ops spend a lot of effort to provide every SIG with the material they needed. However, even if we call ourselves "Staff", these are completely unpaid positions, and our con fee is as high as everyone else's (many are even sponsors or supersponsors, which the staff badges don't show) -- "should be done by the staff" sounds a lot more arrogant than I assume you mean this sentence.

--- Quote ----To loud volume at the fursuiters friendly dance with no (what I could see) earplugs scared me away from that event. Later you suplyed them and it was a great adition to thoose with sencitive ears.

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Please submit your Kudos to Thygrrr for that one -- we are very happy about him providing everyone with these earplugs. He will be happy to have feedback on them here:,4033.msg39507/topicseen.html

--- Quote ---
-No info where you could find the different staff sections, specially the lost and found section. As it was now I could see one staff desk and they tryed to make me give a piece I found on the floor at the "lost and found" area but I still havent a clue on where that was.

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Basically, all of the staff area most participant should ever come into contact with is the con ops office (you don't want to be in need of the Medics office, and you really don't want to be asked into the security office ;) )
Anyone with a red badge would have gladly shown you the way to con ops.

--- Quote ----No activities on sunday. I would have loved to had a few thing to do before the dead dog party, as it was now most off that day was a long "the day after feeling."

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The con is over on Sunday morning. That's why the night from Sunday to Monday is called "late departure".
Anything after the Big Blue Dance is a bonus.

(We used to have a feedback session around noon, but it turned out to be much more productive to collect the feedback in our forum. Besides, most of our staff is busy breaking down the main stage, art show, Den, and everything else on Sunday)

--- Quote ---No official closing cermony. Why, really?

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Traditionally, the end of the Pawpet Show serves as our closing ceremony. A dedicated ceremony on Saturday would either delay the Big Blue Dance, or collide with the Pawpet Show. And you don't want to see anyone from the core staff on a stage before noon on Sunday :)

--- Quote ----Not so good timetable on some event. There where many panels at the same times (12,14 and even 16) and you couldnt visit all that you where interested in.

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We have tried out to have an earlier slot in the morning, and AFAIR also a later slot in the evening. Feedback was rather negative. So the only solutions would be to cancel panels (which I would not consider an improvement), or to make EF days having more than 24 hours (which I would consider an improvement, despite all the legal and physical issues this would raise).

--- Quote ---Also the fursuit dance contest was at the same time most off us has to go and prephere for the parade, I couldnt onl see 3 or 4 numbers and would have loved to see more of it and it should have been schedualed away from other major fursuiting events.

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Same as above. It was not possible to move the timeslot for the fursuit parade for a couple of reasons, and it was not possible to move the Contest for a couple of other reasons. Besides, there is more or less always a fursuit event going on; see above. Anyway, Programming will see what they can do next year -- given the large number of panels, they will only be able to avoid most collisions, not all of them.

--- Quote ----No official meeting point. That would have been much easier to meet and great with friends.

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A single meeting point for a convention of 1300 people would have to have the size of the hotel lobby -- which, actually, serves pretty well as a meeting point in my experience :) If you need a smaller spot, you can easily add things like "next to the art show", "next to the glass elevators", or anything else :)

--- Quote ---Overall a great and fun experience! Thanks!

--- End quote ---

Again, thanks a lot -- we are glad to see people liked EF18, and we will be happy if they will like EF19 even more!

Yeah yeah... the Dealers' Den... guys, if I had known, that some of you waited for more than three hours to get IN then I would have served hot chokolate and gave you blankets... seriously!

The splitted rooms are a big problem since we ran out of space and needed it to give more dealers and artists a chance to sell their art, prints and goods. We tried to announce both rooms everywhere to make poeple recognize the smaller room - to show both rooms are equal.
As far as I got feedback, it was better than at EF 17 but it didn't solve the problem it just made it smaller... I will bring up that topic at the next staff meeting and we will find a solution.   

We can't move walls... ok, we could... but no one wants to see us working with dynamite anywhere... *evil smile*

All I can say is: It was better than last year cause we learned things from the problems. Same we do for next year. ;) 
That there are always people not as happy as others about the situation I know and can handle.


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