Eurofurence Information > Feedback

EF18 Feedback

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+ overall, the best Furry con I have been to in 3 or 4 years
+ events were very timely;counting on the pawpet show being late cost me my club sandwich  ;D
+ food at the snack point was good (especially the burgers, the donuts etc.), pricing was very fair
+ big blue dance was pure gold
+ volume level in the piano bar was usually quite pleasant
+ drinks were good
+ BBQ was quite decent, but cannot compete with places like the La Piazza or the Qilin
+ room service was flawless and friendly, tips were collected once clearly marked as such
+ A/C in the room (257) worked like a charm
+ the charity people and their dogs were so nice
+ decoration, standees and banners were breathtakingly awesome
+ con ops made Hercules look like a slacker
+ security was always friendly, always present. I counted over 16 Gyroplasts one day, great job on the cloning.

~ drink pricing ... beer and cocktails were quite fair, cola and water overpriced
~ bar tenders being slow / uncoordinated, seeming jaded. The Ringberg crew spoiled us beyond recovery, I guess

- dealers den imbalances, I'm sure Alpha_Ki will pick the best suggestions and bolster them with this year's experience
- that one cursed auction piece: were you guys really considering to re-auction the first piece? That'd have opened a big can of worms, both ethically and maybe legally. m(

Some suggestions:
* why not outright ban cameras, bags, and everything beyond a smart phone in the art show room? just turn people away. No bag check, no table. It's not like this is anthrocon where you have to walk two city blocks to get to your hotel room.
* spread out panels further (it's been tough to get from one panel to the next on time), maybe offer noon or evening slots etc. at the panelist discretion

Fafnir Kristensen:
mmm, bags and camera are already forbiden in the artshow room

--- Quote from: Thygrrr on 08.09.2012, 17:35:46 ---
* why not outright ban cameras, bags, and everything beyond a smart phone in the art show room? just turn people away. No bag check, no table. It's not like this is anthrocon where you have to walk two city blocks to get to your hotel room.

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--- Quote from: Thygrrr on 08.09.2012, 17:35:46 ---- that one cursed auction piece: were you guys really considering to re-auction the first piece? That'd have opened a big can of worms, both ethically and maybe legally.

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thats why I said to Kage I disagree with what he wanted to do


--- Quote from: Cheetah on 08.09.2012, 16:59:30 ---
--- Quote from: silverfoxwolf on 08.09.2012, 05:33:34 ---Throwing in information that I was not aware of does not help really to make an observation after it has already been made.

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Then wouldn't it be far more constructive to first make sure you have all the information before jumping to conclusions?

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Somehow I doubt that EF or any other organisation is going to make all information public pertaining to every detail of every event.


--- Quote from: silverfoxwolf on 09.09.2012, 01:13:22 ---
--- Quote from: Cheetah on 08.09.2012, 16:59:30 ---
--- Quote from: silverfoxwolf on 08.09.2012, 05:33:34 ---Throwing in information that I was not aware of does not help really to make an observation after it has already been made.

--- End quote ---

Then wouldn't it be far more constructive to first make sure you have all the information before jumping to conclusions?

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Somehow I doubt that EF or any other organisation is going to make all information public pertaining to every detail of every event.

--- End quote ---

Moderator note: Please keep the discussion on topic of constructive EF 18 feedback, otherwise I have to move your postings to a more appropriate place.

This year's EF has been the best ever for me.
There was so much to do, so many things to see and lots of awesome fun with friends.

I'm not really a fox of many words, so here's my extremely brief feedback.

Awesome Points:

* Well done on mostly sticking to the timetable. I know how hard it can be to do!
* Your awesome staff do the best for every single attendee and made people feel very welcome.
* My registration was speedy and quick with a smile!
* The security team were incredibly proactive and quick to react when things went wrong for some people.
* The pawpet show was absolutely hilarious and about the right length.
* BBF's dance Rocked!
Oops, forgot to say the charity was a good choice and the people from it were really neat!


* The WiFi needs some more address blocking adding to it to stop people gaming and quicker IP renewal, as it frequently refused to give any addresses out because people forgot to turn their devices off when they'd stopped using it.
* I appreciate how hard it is to schedule a convention (having done one myself) but the timetabling seemed a bit off at times, with lots of SIGs at one single time, not spread out and it seemed surprising there was no dance on one of the nights.
* Pawpet show audio was a bit painful at times with screeching, etc.
Otherwise, fantastic convention guys. Keep up the awesome work. I know it is definitely worth all the hard work and effort you put in when you see the smiles on everyone's faces because of what you've done.

On another happy note, I have a really neat idea for an event next year and I'm quite curious about running it too.
Who would I be best to poke, when you're getting around to this?


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