Eurofurence Information > Feedback

EF18 Feedback

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I saw that when the dogs first come to con (was it wensday or thursday?) a couple of them seemed a bit scared off furies at the entreance, but they get used after a while. Would it be a good idea to arrange so whatever animals youll have next year get a chance to get used to fursuiters?

At least on Sunday, the dogs got used to the suiters. :)

Would it be possible to have a list of the art pieces sold printed up with the winner attendee numbers posted on a board outside the den? It would save having to queue up to find out if you have won something or not.

Fafnir Kristensen:

--- Quote from: silverfoxwolf on 12.09.2012, 17:52:25 ---Would it be possible to have a list of the art pieces sold printed up with the winner attendee numbers posted on a board outside the den? It would save having to queue up to find out if you have won something or not.

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--- Quote from: Pinky on 11.09.2012, 23:48:04 ---Did people like the charity concert? Should we try to do something similar again?

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Yes, it was very nice. Sadly, I had to leave after half of it due to duty, but I still felt like the ticket "was worth" the 5€. The Piano Bar can not provide space for that many people, but it providess a very nice, comfy setting.

--- Quote from: Pinky on 11.09.2012, 23:48:04 ---Did you like the idea about the otter noses?

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This needs to be repeated. I saw so many people buying those (even in bulk, to give away). I personally did not like the flavor, but that's really complaining on a high comfort level. The price was low enough to make it a very affordable expense for some quick candy and you even got the fuzzy feeling of doing something nice for charity.

--- Quote from: Pinky on 11.09.2012, 23:48:04 ---Should we try to bring next year's charity to the con as well? Should they bring animals? Would you be interested if next year's charity also did a panel?

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Having the carity people at the con it a really good incentive to donate since you can put a friendly face to the good cause. To actually have the animals you're donating for right in front of you improved that even further. So, yes, please.
I don't know if I would actually take the time to attend a charity info panel. Maybe them doing a short (5-10 minutes max) presentation about their work at the opening ceremonies would draw more attention?


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