Eurofurence Information > Feedback

EF18 Feedback

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Can you please move this discussion to a more private channel? Thank you.

It is possible that pretty much everything is covered in these 12 pages of feedback, but I still write my own, things that first and most clear come to my mind:

+ Almost everything was starting on time or just with minor delays
+ Lifts weren't nearly as busy as last year, or I was just lucky with them
+ International snack exchange, Photographer's eye and Bat panel :)

- Almost constant queue to bigger Dealers' Den
- Fursuit parade could have had at least one stopping point on some nice location. Giving time for fursuiters to re-group and rest for a while and people to take photographs.
- Fursuit group photo was closed from other than official photographer until very last minute. I understand that this way it was easy to make sure there was no distractions and no other than fursuiters in group photo. But still I think this could have been arranged somehow so that other people also could have been let in to take photos.
- I still miss Ringberg just a little...

I think most things were already said but I just have to write my own feedback :3

This years EF was my first furry convention I ever attended with many "firsts" that I have gone through in these four days.

Starting with my social shyness towards other people I was truly skeptic to attend the convention at first, not to mention truly scared, but was convinced to go nonetheless to see for myself.

It was really overwhelming ... seeing the hotel and the lobby at my arrival-day ... seeing so many people in one place doing their thing. Nevertheless all was planned and scheduled well so the only thing to do was wait to get my room card and such.

Before the con I thought that staying at a hotel for four days would be totally boring. Ok, seeing a few fursuiters for the first time in real live, looking through the dealers den, taking a few photos, then what? But when I looked through the conbook I was overwhelmed again at the massive amount of events and panels to attend which I really didn't know just what I should watch or where I should go so I just joined what came near, not really a concept or plan what to do ^^;;

Really all the stage shows and panels I saw were great, everything was on time for the most part. I really began to have fun and enjoy myself on my second day, still shy but it just felt more and more ... well, not really like "home" but the atmosphere and overall friendlyness of all the people lets someone feel "comfortable" just to be there. Someone said to me that those four days are like a full week of holiday for him, a highlight of the year - and I can only underline that.

Suiting for the first time was also tons of fun, even though I was really scared at first - but that faded soon after when I hugged the first people that came up to me. And I got really emotionally touched when I could bring smiles upon some kids faces, that was one of my personal highlights. But I was too scared to join the parade ... a shame when thought about afterwards, I will definately join the next one.

The only negative thing to mention would be ... during the dance contest while the technical difficulties occured ... that Cheetah didn't give us a solo-dance at the end like 2 threatened, I would have loved to see that ... bad Cheetah xD

But seriously:
A BIG THANK YOU to all the staffers, team-leads, security, panelists and con-helpers for their hard work during those four days to bring a furry convention to life that I will never forget. For making my first furry convention a remarkable one. You guys truly deserve a big pat on the back!

To think that a con this huge is run by hobby'ists, freelancers and helpers in such a damn professional way is amazing. This concept is something I truly adore, a furry convention run by fans for fans, like it should be, so please don't change the way you do things.

Another thing I highly support and was honored to be a part of was that there was a charity where everyone could join in and help FFF - and was moved at how much we collected in only four days. But ... as an otter myself I must say ... why otter noses? All those people eating the noses of my kin, I was horrified! xD Need to buy more next year to give them back to my friends :D

Many ottery hugs from me to all of you - come and claim them at next years EF which I will definately join as well!   


Blue Raptor:
Oh my, almost forgot I wanted to post here.

It was a very great con, thank you all very much!
Decoration was indeed awesome, and registration was very smooth and well organized.
And hey, really great affordable prices on the coffee and some snacks in the lobby! :)

Like so many I found the queuing situation at the dealers room... not optimal. I suppose the two rooms do not fit where the art show was (that could then be split up there into e.g. adult / general in the two rooms)? There's so much more room for a the queue down there.

Then I found it really nice how many chairs were put to the many round tables in the back of the lobby. That helped a lot to have somewhere to sit and mingle. It would be nice if the hotel could find some more chairs for the smaller tables in the front too though, those were always overcrowded. Also the first floor on the front of the hotel had two seatings with a total of 7 chairs, which is really nice but it would easily fit another seating and some more chairs two. I know, raptors are never happy. Just saying. :)

Ah, and the steak house. There are a lot of great food places around that the crowd can spread out to, some of which we only found this year, but that steak house is just too good and the con is growing so it won't get any less full. Maybe the restaurant might want to go with all meals coming on a single plate during that week if someone suggest it? Less walking to do for the waiters, less confusion, no waiting for half of the meal because the steak is there but the side is still in the kitchen, more space on the table...
Otherwise I can only recommend taking the pepper steak. That is a steak but comes on a single plate already. :)

Ok, just my 2 cents:


* things were more on time
* nice idea putting the signs on the staircase doors
* I don't know, it was really a great con

* a big (huge!) screen to display non stop actual infos like:
  - canceled or delayed events
  - maps of the rooms where events are happening
  - reminders of upcoming events
maybe a projector on the reception desk projecting on a cloth screen hanging from the "C" floor or something like that.
I can volunteer to write the software to have it running by EF19

* a "feedback" box somewhere, so that people can submit feedback immediately (and not after they return home and forget half of the things)

* maybe it's better to put the signs on the staircases from day 0
* better wifi coverage (and shorter DHCP leases! or more IP addresses...)
* the registration on this forum is misleading. Maybe the mail was lost or something, but I never received the second email when the account was eventually activated. I only received the first email that said that I needed to wait for the registration to be approved and that I would receive a second email when that happens. So basically my account here was active since September and I didn't know
The registration system doesn't allow you to specify the country that will be displayed on the badge, it defaults to the country of residence. And the rules say that it's forbidden to cover any part of the badge.
I spent the first 5 minutes when talking to ANYBODY by explaining that I'm not German both at EF17 and EF18. It gets REALLY annoying after the 20th time in the same hour (no, I'm not joking about this)
At EF17 it was really a problem because people would just start to speak with me in German, which I couldn't speak at the time.
Next year (assuming I make it) it would display yet another country.
This is RIDICULOUS! PLEASE allow us to choose the country to display on the badge, or maybe to put the nationality, or give the option to hide it. otherwise I will not put my actual address in the registration form next time.

That said, I really hope I will make it for EF19, because I had really a great time  :)


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