I'm gonna make this fairly short, acknowledging that I've been one of the bigger whiners in the past.
THIS YEAR'S MUSIC SELECTION WAS ABSOLUTELY AWESOME, from start to end. The set was, in my opinion, the best that BBF has played at EF so far. The dancefloor seemed to be quite full for most of the night, too, and people were hollering, clapping and hooting with joy all around me.
Absolutely stunning selection of music, and I like the distinctive "yes, we do trance" statement every second track quite boldly gave us with a broad spectrum of bass, midrange and treble synths.
One thing I'd like to mention:
Volume in the last hour or hour and a half absolutely exploded, with -15 dB Elacin filters, the loudness was still beyond my pain threshold. Some people (me too) went out to get the -27 dB green or -29 dB orange ear plugs in those last 90 minutes of BBF's set. Kenai's set was much quieter again, despite being more minimal / harder in musical nature.