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Survey: Protect Your Ears

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--- Quote from: Thygrrr on 03.09.2012, 21:25:12 ---1. Usage - How many packs of Ear Plugs did you take, and how long did you wear them? At which events?
--> 2 packs, one by dance.

2. Sound - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how was the perceived quality of the music with the plugs?
--> 9 - With the appropriate db reduction, the sound was still quite clear imho.

3. Protection - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how good did they manage to lower the noise level?
--> 10 - With the most powerfull ones, i managed to survive the end of the big blue dance without my ears exploding, so that's pretty great!

4. Ease of Use - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how easy were the plugs to put in?
--> 6 - I must admit cylinder shaped ear plugs aren't that easy to put in / out, and following the instructions by putting them inside the ear makes them way too hard to remove, so i just put them a bit differently.

5. Comfort - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how comfortable were they to wear?
--> 7 - when you're dancing, you don't feel them that much, but it's not the most comfortable earplugs i tested. Still pretty efficient though.

6. Feedback - Anything else you want to remark? Thanks for your time!
--> I'd just like to thank you again for that great initiative, it did help making my con beter :3

--- End quote ---

1. Usage - How many packs of Ear Plugs did you take, and how long did you wear them? At which events?
5 packs, one of each attenuation at first and two more later on. Concert (direly needed there, even sitting in the second to last row) and dances.

2. Sound - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how was the perceived quality of the music with the plugs?

3. Protection - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how good did they manage to lower the noise level?

4. Ease of Use - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how easy were the plugs to put in?
8 (they seemed to long to be inserted as instructed)

5. Comfort - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how comfortable were they to wear?

6. Feedback - Anything else you want to remark? Thanks for your time!
Thanks for your effort!

1. Usage
3 packs of diffrent strength
Worn at:
- dances when not in suit
- the concert
- pawpetshow ending (yes, really. others clapping close my ears is no fun for me)

2. Sound

3. Protection

4. Ease of Use

5. Comfort
8 (right size, but too long to e.g. lean your head on something without the plug pinching your ear.)

6. Feedback
Thanks for doing it. Personally I don't get why dances or concerts have to be at a loudness level that force you to wear ear plugs that make you loose fidelity, just to be able to attend without damaging your hearing ( or in my case even pain)

First of all: Thanks again for giving them out! <3

--- Quote from: Thygrrr on 03.09.2012, 21:25:12 ---1. Usage - How many packs of Ear Plugs did you take, and how long did you wear them? At which events?
At the concert, most of the time except for the last 15 minutes.

2. Sound - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how was the perceived quality of the music with the plugs?
8. Sometimes sound felt a bit strange but most of the time it was really good.
3. Protection - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how good did they manage to lower the noise level?
4. Ease of Use - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how easy were the plugs to put in?
2 Couldn't get them in completely even once.
5. Comfort - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how comfortable were they to wear?
1 They hurt me like hell even on multiple times trying to put them in.

--- End quote ---

1. Usage - How many packs of Ear Plugs did you take, and how long did you wear them? At which events?
-> 3 Packs. 1 at the Fursuit dance (as non suiter) and 2 at the Saturday night dance. Had to switch them out inbetween. I brought my own initially, but I used yours because I know mine would really dull down the music.

2. Sound - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how was the perceived quality of the music with the plugs?
9. I used the medium strength ones and the music quality was still fairly good.  I used the stronger plugs on last years dance and they dulled down the music a bit too much.

3. Protection - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how good did they manage to lower the noise level?
10. They did their job just perfectly.

4. Ease of Use - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how easy were the plugs to put in?
8. A bit too long to insert them as instructed on the manual.

5. Comfort - On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is perfect), how comfortable were they to wear?
8. As I said, they are a bit too long ;)

6. Feedback - Anything else you want to remark?
Thank you so much for providing us with ear protection! And providing even three different strengths of plugs gives everybody the opportunity to chose what level of protection they like. That saves our hearing and makes us enjoy the dances even more, even if you you have very sensitive ears.


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