Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Fursuit Friendly Dance

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So, I will not allow any musicial style discussions here - it's just the same discussion every year, and it really does not contribute anything constructive. We can't play everyone's favourite music, no matter how honestly and passionately tell us about what YOUR favourite genre is.

So I will moderate this thread, and remove musicial style discussions in order to keep it readable.

I am very interested in hearing more about having the dance start after the photo (how did you feel about it)? Please answers only by people WHO ACTUALLY WERE THERE. "Good thing I wasn't there" is not criticism, but entirely destructive, and I will remove answers like that from now on.

Criticism of sound/light/fog are welcome - but it would help if you could tell us how you liked it IN COMPARISON TO LAST YEAR. Did it get better? Did it get worse? What has changed from your point of view?

Miles T.F. Baxxter:
As a casual photographer / filmer, I was pleasantly surprised by the phasing of the group photo into the fursuit dance. You had almost every fursuiter at EF packed together on the dance floor at once, jumping, paws in the air, with no non-fursuiters. It was quite awe inspiring to watch, and made for some pretty good footage. Wouldn't mind if you did it like that next year, too.

To start the dance after the photo was a nice idea, but like someone said: It should be told to use the whole room the next time. ^^

The volume of the sound was the one I really like listening to.
The light was find too. But I didn't liked it if that flickering light on the stage was used, it just hurts in my eyes. I'm glad it was rarely used
Even the fog was OK for me. Normally I don't like it because I feel like I can't breath with that around. So I think the amount was just right and not to much. And the fans kept the air moving on the dancing floor, think that helped too ^^

Cheetah, the not talking about musical styles and the fact EF staff knows by now what most people love was the first thing I had in mind when I was at the dance. That because it seemed like there was something different than usual.
It seemed to me very different from the past EFs. There was like a big gap between playing the Fursuit Friendly music (old classics and that) to playing Eurodance (hands-up). I think the dance floor was lost due to that gap. Not sure what genre was played, but hope you can review the recordings.
In compression, the panel room dance and the BBF dance was more in style of what I remember from previous years.

The gap was between 2-3 hours long!

Mystifur: Sorry if I came across more fatalistic then intendet.
Being a feedback, this was just how it apeared and happend to me from inside the crowd
and getting your fursuit damaged doesn't exactly help to see the positive sides.
(Yes, I know I'm more on the limited and easily-disoriented part of the spectrum. So these things just happen.)
Just one of the many voices giving very subjective feedback in the hope of preventing a safety issue next year.
With a bit more space to move and an announcement it should be perfectly fine.


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