Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Fursuit Lounge (EF18)

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--- Quote from: Cheetah on 05.09.2012, 14:06:50 ---So every receptacle at the drying machine needs a spring-loaded mechanism that automatically launches the attached suit out of the window after a fixed amount of time :)

--- End quote ---

I vote for a juggler which can juggle all dry heads at same time.

Make that an automatic vertical parking system with Iron Man style automatic un- and redresser.


Quincy the Raccoon:
Yes I agree... best lounge of the Fandom!! Mirror and clocks were great idea, and that green stuff was also yummy (what was it?)
Bit annoying part: when I tried to dry my head, most of the time there was no room  :'( So I hád to carry it around or position it at a fan. Also noticed that some fans were rotating at various speeds... hummm?

Jake R:
@SunWolf: the 'Eurofurence Green' is called 'Waldmeister', or 'Woodruff' in English. I linked to a post earlier in this topic containing info on online import shops for the UK, but I'm sure there's similar things for the Netherlands, if you're interested. =)

@Cheetah: so, I have your official permission then? =D

@Gero: I wish it was that easy. As I mentioned earlier: some furs would rather take the effort to put empty cups they won't reuse on a table, than relax their paws enough to let it fall into an open wastebin literally 30 centimeters away (so they won't even have to touch the lid). If that's the case, then I doubt they'll take the effort to go back to the fursuit lounge occasionally to check if their suit is already dry enough to move. I personally delayed something as important as dinner for hours several days during the con, so even I probably would delay something as 'minor' as this despite ranting on it several times. Conventions can get hectic, and there's too many unforeseen circumstances causing delays. If we want to achieve progress, we need a system that doesn't fully depend on people being courteous, even if they are.

@All: I love this discussion. I think doco's number idea is possibly the best so far, not counting MOW's image (which would be easier to check but harder to implement). A few extra coat racks are probably not a bad idea, and maybe a rack for mostly dry heads and paws. The main problem is designing something that is inexpensive, not too space consuming, is easy to set up, and won't take another truck to transport. I heard the transport crew already hates the giant pipe monsters connected to the blowers, we don't want them to go "AAAAAAAAAH !@#$ THIS" and throwing it all in a dumpster. =P


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