Eurofurence Information > Feedback

DDD-s or Dead Dog DJ's

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Shay (Wolly):
Wow! Thats what I will start with... I mean... that was one epic evening and while it should be a sad one because its the last night at EF for some of us, all DJ's did their best to enhance the atmosphere and spin some awesome tunes!

Starting off with the EF song put on by Attendees... and going full into music by Banshee, Cheetah and Asgra (Sorry if I missed out on one DJ if there were more). I have to say Kudos to all of you for making it a true night to remember!

Please... get these DJ's back next year... especially Asgra and his awesome silly music set... I mean... Zelda and the Gangnam Style... thats the stuff we needed and thats the stuff we got!


The Dead Dog Party was definitely great this year, I even came back for a few beers after I got out of my fursuit, first time I ever did that.

Jake R:
The DDP was the only time I actually went on the dance floor myself, instead of slaving away in the fursuit lounge. =P

I stepped onto the dance floor with a continuous pain in my back that started on Tuesday, danced for an hour or so, and haven't had much trouble with my back since. I hereby dub this the 'Revived Cat Party'.

Magical recoveries aside, I'd like to parrot Shay by saying that I was impressed with the music selection. It was a great set, Zelda and Gangnam Style were indeed silly but fun and used at a proper position in the set. I didn't feel the need to facepalm at music selection even once... something that has often be the case with other dances I've been to. All in all, rather impressive =)

Dhary Montecore:
Gangnam Style even made half of the security team dance. This DDP was the best I've ever been to. :3


--- Quote from: Dhary Montecore on 05.09.2012, 00:06:05 ---Gangnam Style even made half of the security team dance. This DDP was the best I've ever been to. :3

--- End quote ---
Yes it did ^..^

I liked both the music and the atmosphere during the ddp :3

See you all next year, take care!


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