Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Panelists: How did our logistics work?

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Hi everyone!

I rarely see it mentioned here, so I'll start this little thread on my own, mostly aimed at people running events and panels at EF. I'd like to hear how your room was prepared when your event started. Did you get all materials you ordered? Did you get all the equipment you needed? Did you have all necessary tables / chairs? Was the room clean? Did everything arrive on time? Did you have to wait because of other events running over time? And so on :)

Furries in the Press: projector and PA were there and ready to use, fortunately I had another set of HDMI cable and HDMI/DVI-D adapter with me, because that was missing.

Meet the GoH (though not my event): chairs were stacked at the side and the table for Peter missing; while I was asking ConOps for a table the attendees set up the the chairs. Hoyt promptly brought the table (by defying the laws of physics) so the panel coould start without delay.

Indigo Icetalons:
The room was clean and all the chairs and tables were in order. However, for the panel 'Broken Picture telephone I was promised to just be provided with a lot of pens, paper and a projector. Naturally, Con ops was reluctant to give me that much pen and paper because they have not heard about the request. Nor was the projector I wanted available (I needed one that could project A4 paper). I managed to get the paper and pens and even though a projector would've been usefull, I could work without it. In the end all was fine and we had a blast with the little game.

Munchen room for GOHs musical panel wasnt set up at all! The chairs where stocked at the sides and I dont know if there where any tables for Peter, but alas we (including me and Peter and some other guys) has to move all he chairs to its proper locations. Well I understand that Peter is a nice and helpfull person but thats not really a way to threat a GOH, or a booked conference guest for that matter. Some one need to pick some one (probebly in the hotell team) in theyre ears and change it to the better for next year.

The uberlong ques at dealers den 1 has been mentioned on other threads, and some events where runing way beoynd sceduale with no real information (none that I heard) about its starting time. Also it seems like it was some real bad equipment problem in the main stage area causing problem for the fursuit dance contest and the concert, so that needs to be adressed so it doensnt repeats next year.

Other than that I couldnt see any major logistics issues from my corner of the universe.

Anthro Rights & Wrongs (Sat 2PM)
The projector in Bonn was very low, and couldn't be raised any higher, especially with people starting to file in. Wouldn't have been so bad if there hadn't been two or three tables and a dozen chairs placed in front of the screen.

But at least we had a screen this year! ;D


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