Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Yinika remembrance corner...

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Quincy the Raccoon:
Saw it and I must say - Yinika would approve... Nice photos also and I read the text several times, one time almost bringing a tear to my eye. So cool that EF hasn't forgot Yinika!

Good job!


Oh darn! I saw the corner and thought to myself I should read it... and then some ConOps staff stuff must have happened. Could someone be so kind and send me a photo per PM?


Brookida: This is the text of the flipchart

I will upload the photos the next days

I thought that no one have saw or read that, thank you all very much

Quincy the Raccoon:
Brookida: I did. Several times.  :)


--- Quote from: Brookida on 17.09.2012, 19:39:43 ---I thought that no one have saw or read that, thank you all very much
--- End quote ---
I noticed, and I remembered.



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